Chp 18- Departure

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Sanemi's heat lasted a week. Longer than the normal heat. Giyuu was glad that Sanemi didn't need anything..... Sexual. The only intimate thing that they did in the entire course of seven days, was cuddle. Sanemi seemed to be in pain most of the time and needed Giyuu to comfort him. The alpha did so, though when he held the omega he would hear mumbles of 'Don't leave', 'I'll do better', and 'he can't reach me'. The whimpers concerned Giyuu, was there something more than what he was seeing? Sanemi didn't even do anything sexual. He obediently ate whatever Giyuu gave him and politely asked if he could hug the alpha. There was no grinding, no humping, nothing. And Giyuu was glad. He knew he would not be comfortable doing such an intimate thing with the omega, not yet, and he also thought Sanemi wouldn't want to rush this too fast. Giyuu also noticed that Sanemi didn't build a nest, something which he found odd as omegas usually build nests during their heat to feel more comfortable.He wanted to ask Sanemi what it was about, but decided against it, he wouldn't want to pry into such matters when the omega was in such a fragile state.

This was the final day of Sanemi's heat. Seven days of that burning in his abdomen was finally over. He whimpered when Giyuu's cool hands held him, even after all the cuddling that they did, Giyuu's hands remained cool, something which Sanemi felt relieved because of. The omega let out a low whine as he felt the heat in his abdomen dissipate. He looked up with tears in his eyes, that feeling of dread finally leaving his body. Giyuu was sitting next to the omega who was lying down. The alpha was petting the omega's hair, humming lightly, the feeling gave Sanemi much comfort. With much effort, he pushed himself off the bed and groaned at his back cracking from the action, he could have sworn he heard Giyuu chuckle when he pouted.

"Is it over?" Sanemi asked Giyuu, and the alpha shrugged.

"I'm not the one in heat, you tell me, do you feel like it's over?" Giyuu asked.

Sanemi pondered. The aching need for a knot was no longer there, he stopped sweating, the burning in his abdomen stopped, and he finally felt his emotions go down.

"Yeah, I think it's over." Sanemi told Giyuu. The Alpha got up.

"I'll leave you to wash up. Unless you....?" The question hung in the air and Sanemi found himself blushing.

"Yeah it's fine." Sanemi said and Giyuu nodded, the alpha left the room, leaving Sanemi to wash up.

* * *

It's been a week since Sanemi's heat, and they are getting prepared for the departure to the Ventus tribe. Giyuu must join as well as both the mates should be well acquainted with their mates' tribes. Sanemi was excited about the thought of going home, he felt homesick while he was in heat. The unfamiliar environment had only added to his uneasiness. Masachika had gone well before, to get the 'arrangements' ready to receive Giyuu and Sanemi. Sanemi was fresh and was packing the meagre amount of things that he had bought from Aqua. He was beaming from the thought of going back home. Not to the place which held so many bad memories, but to home with his family, with all the scars that he had learnt to embrace. He was dressed in his normal attire, a V-neck top and baggy pants. The pendant that Giyuu had given him was around his neck, dangling at the base of his chest. He was ready and stormed out of the room. He was bouncing on his heels, waiting impatiently for Giyuu and whoever he chose to take with him. He huffed and impatiently tapped his foot. He basically did an owl turn when he heard the door squeak behind him.

Giyuu stepped out, he was wearing something similar to the outfit that he wore while he was alone with Sanemi. Again, Sanemi fought his own blush, he blamed it on his post-heat symptoms. The alpha walked towards him.

"You look good Shinungawaza-san, I hope you have everything you need?" Giyuu asked and Sanemi nodded.

Ever since Giyuu took care of him during his heat, Sanemi felt as though the bond that they shared had grown stronger. He felt connected to Giyuu, in a way that he has never felt with anyone. He distracted his thoughts by jumping onto the horse's saddle, and waited for Giyuu to do so as well. Sabito and Kanae also did the same, Sanemi figured out that these were the people who Giyuu chose to come along with him. Sanemi also noticed that Sabito seemed more relaxed since the last time he saw him, he seemed... relieved. Sanemi was thankful for that, he didn't want one of Giyuu's trusted knights to be too stressed on this excursion. With a kick of his foot, Sanemi led the group to his tribe, his home.

* * *

"Wow, Shinungawaza-san, your tribe is quite far. It's been two days already!" Sabito exclaimed.

"What? You tired already?" Sanemi teased and Sabito laughed.

"No no, Kanae over here is." Sabito pointed beside him to Kanae, who immediately whacked him.

"Don't put words in my mouth you dingus!" She reprimanded as Sabito rubbed the place where she had hit him and pouted.

"Giyuuuuu~ Kanae hit meeeeee!" He whined and Giyuu sighed.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." Giyuu said, there was a beat of silence before everyone started laughing. Sabito was doing the 'whooping-thigh-slap' laughter that he always does, even Giyuu let out a chuckle. Sanemi too smiled. This was quite entertaining.

"Do you really count me, a person who has trained beside you for years, as an idiot?" Sabitoasked, feigning offense and Giyuu turned to him.

"Yes, I consider you, a person who trained with me and who I had to drag out of potholes because he apparently 'could not see the two foot wide hole in front of him', an idiot." Giyuu spoke, smirking at the end, Kanae and Sanemi laughed as Sabito's face turned red with embarrassment.

"That was one time!" He whined and Giyuu pretended to think.

"I remember it being more than one time." He said and Sabito flushed harder.

"Giyuu! Why do you have to be so mean?" Sabito pouted and Giyuu shrugged.

"Just stating facts, you can't be mad at me for speaking the truth." He said and all of them chuckled. This was such a good trip. Sanemi immediately halted in his tracks. The rest stopped after him, confused.

"What's wro-" Sabito didn't even have time to finish his sentence as an arrow whooshed past him and implanted itself on a nearby tree. The four travellers immediately were on high alert, Sanemi cursed and pulled out his sword and jumped to the ground.

"Rouges" He seethed, a group of five people came out from the thickets, brandishing their weapons. Sanemi immediately attacked the one nearest to him, he knew how they attacked. No negotiation, no 'give me your money' just plain slaughter. He jumped and hit the base of his sword against one of the people's necks and shoved them hard. He took notice of Giyuu and Sabito fighting as well. This was thankfully a small group that they could handle. In no time the rogues were unconscious and piled up in the woods near the path. They quickly mounted their horses.

"Do they always attack travellers?" Sabito asked, and Sanemi, not understanding it was a rhetorical question answered.

"Yeah, we get the brunt of it when we're out trading, they steal our profits as well." Everyone stilled.

"How long has this been going on?" Giyuu asked Sanemi, and the omega pondered on the question.

"I guess ever since I was five? Maybe even before that." Sanemi answered, and Giyuu nodded, if Sanemi's tribe has been dealing with this for so long, then no wonder they are such a formidable force. They trotted ahead and passed two big trees, serving as a gateway, and Sanemi smiled.

"Welcome to Ventus, tribe of the winds."

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