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Entering the gates of the football stadium feels more crowded than a full NFL game. I didn't realize how many people show up to these games. I've only been to a handful of them, and the last two times I think I was drunk, and Ava forcefully dragged me here when I just wanted to go home those times.

"Where are we sitting?" I ask, following Ava like a lost puppy as she navigates through the crowd of people. "Where is Brayden at? He's already here, right?"

"Yeah!" She answers, shoving her way through the crowd of people and reaching for my hand. "Just follow me."

If there is one thing, I love Ava for, it's that she isn't afraid of anyone or anything. She knows how to push through whatever is in her way. I have that in me, but I don't know how to use it and I'm almost scared to use it.

We climb up the stairs, rapidly reaching the level Brayden and whoever he has with him is on. The people in front of us almost make it impossible to see our seats. I stand behind Ava as she kind of nudges against them, the bright lights of the football stadium helping guide us to the seats.

"Damn it!" I loudly scoff. "Mason is here! I knew it! I don't know how, but I just freaking knew he was going to be at this damn game with Brayden!"

Ava's smile and her partially closed eyes give an expression of her knowing he was going to be here. "Did you know?" I ask, almost in a scolding tone.

She's holding her breath. Why is she holding her breath? "I did!" She admits that she releases a heavy exhale. "I think you're right about Mason. I'm not trying to hook you two up, but Brayden mentioned how Mason seems different around you. Different in a good way. Brayden likes Mason when he's around you."

"Seriously!" I scolded, shaking my head, and now wanting to leave the game. "Ava! You knew and instead of telling me you forced me to come. I'm not talking to him! I mean, look at him!" I point to him sitting with that girl he was walking with earlier. "I mean, who the hell is that? How can you have me blindly come here to him when he is already here with someone."

Ava smiles staring at the blonde girl and lightly shaking her head as we move closer to the boys. "She's just a distraction, Madison. And maybe you're right. Maybe, just maybe, Mason will never change. But something in him seems a little different since Saturday."

"Yeah, because I admitted to him, I am a virgin and now he knows he has no reason to chase me."

"But that's exactly what I am saying!" She argues with me. There is a hint of pleading in her tone. "He has had this 'twinkle' in his eye since he was around you on Saturday and even though he gave you the cold shoulder today, I don't think that was him purposely doing it, it was him trying to act cool."

"Mason Pembrook." I scoff and shake my head as we reach our seats. "A twinkle? I hardly know him and know he's not 'twinkling' anywhere except in his pants."

"Ladies!" Brayden announces as Ava quickly wraps her arms around him, inclining and giving him a kiss. "Ummm." He adds, "I needed that kiss babe!"

"You two and your lovey...whatever makes me sick." Mason lightly scolds, shaking his head. He looks like he's going to gag, but nope, never mind. He turned his attention to the blonde girl and is now kissing her.

"Girlfriend?" I ask in a mocking tone, knowing damn well those words make him angry.

"Who, Ariel?" He asks, his straight smile and partially closed eyes tell me I hit him hard with those words. "Ariel knows where she stands, just like you are being a Vir-" The instant regret on his face is real as he pauses and realizes he almost admitted a damn big secret I told him, and yet he's got a big enough heart to keep that secret to himself.

I'm in shock. He could've just ruined my evening and instead, he held back, shut up, and even looked remorseful for bringing out the first part of that truth. Why is he being kind enough to keep my secret? What's in it for him?"

I tilt my head as I sit down, looking at him with almost a thank you kind of expression as if I knew how to make one. But the look on his face, his lightly narrowed eyes, and the straight smile tells me he knows what I'm trying to say without saying it.

"He kept your secret?" Ava quietly whispers to me, her face in just as much shock as mine is. And with the game starting and the people roaring in excitement I don't think Brayden heard her either.

I nod, squeezing my body together in a sort of excitement. For Mason Pembrook being the asshole he normally is, or at least according to everyone. He was kind to me right there and that shows he has to have some kind of heart.

The game starts and I am in a great mood. It's a beautiful night. The stars are heavily out, the warm air brushes against my body, the crowds of people are all in a cheerful mood, and the game is rarely being held at night. This is going to be a good night.

"Popcorn?" Brayden flashes a bucket of popcorn in my face, buttered and making me hungry. "It's expensive so I'd take some if I were you."

"No thanks!" I smile and stand up. "I am going to get some food though. Does anyone need anything?"

"At those prices?" Ava scoffs and smiles. "No thank you."

"I'm actually going to get some food too!" Mason announces, gently removing the blonde girl, whatever her name is, away from him. "I'll be back."

"Can you get me something?" The blonde asks kind of rudely and in a scoff.

He stops, his eyes deadpan past me like he's disgusted she'd even ask. I watch as he forces a smile on his face and spins around. "What would you like?"

"A burger? Maybe some fries?" She smiles a cocky smile. "A beer too?"

He scoffs, spinning back in my direction. "So, a burger, fries, and a beer. Deal."

"Wait!" Brayden adds, his expression of shock almost has a hint of sadness in it. "I'd love that too buddy! I can't afford that stuff!"

"I'll get it for you, Brayden!" I say, making it seem like I have a lot of money when honestly, I don't have much. "How about you, Ava?"

"Girl!" She says the surprise in her expression makes me want to laugh. "Do you know how much it is just for a burger? I know you're not poor, but you're not rich either."

"Yeah!" I say a bit of hesitance is probably clear in my tone. "It's like what five bucks?"

"Maybe to stand in line," Mason argues while stepping around me. "I'll cover everyone's meal. Let's go, Madison. I'm going to need help carrying all of this."

Well, if there was any backing out of going with him, I just blew that chance. Now I have to go with him because there is no way he's carrying all that food back himself. This should be an interesting walk, just like Saturday night.

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