Red Dress

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There's this moment in everyone's life when they are uncertain about something. It could be as simple as a smile to a stranger or as serious as the next turn on a road that they are unaware of. The point is, that we all must make decisions that sometimes seem impossible. With me, it's a damn dress.

My arms slide smoothly into the red dress. It's a backless, shorter-than-normal, silky dress. "You look stupidly hot in that dress with your hair the way it is and the small amount of makeup you put on," Ava admits while staring at me with her mouth halfway open. She looks shocked and confused.

"Hey babe..." Brayden pauses, and his bottle of water slides out of his hand as he walks into the dorm room. "Holy shit, Madison?" He's at a loss for words.

"Come on guys!" I gracefully but pleadingly say. "I don't look that different."

"No, you're hot as hell dressed up like that!" Brayden admits, his eyes staring at me like he's just found the golden nugget he's been searching for. "I have my girl standing next to you, but damn, Madison! Mason is lucky to have you!"

"Okay, Romeo!" Ava says with annoyance building in her tone. "Madison is not the only drop-dead gorgeous person here."

"Someone's a little full of themselves." He jokes with a playful smile. He reaches out for her hand, calling a truce with his eyes. "I have every right to let your best friend know she looks stunning. You're mine, Ava. You are the only person I look at with love filled inside of me. I love you and only you."

"Wait!" I say, interrupting him as my heart feels like it's filling with this wild happiness for Ava right now. I point my finger at Ava while in shock and staring at Brayden. "Did you just admit you love her?"

"Yeah!" Ava pipes up, her tone sounds just as confused and excited. "Did you just tell me you love me?"

He slowly nods. He looks fearful, almost like he thinks he did something wrong. "I did. Ava. I love you, Ava!"

She drops the shirt in her hands. Tears slowly begin to fill her eyes as she slowly begins to step toward him. "Do you mean it?" she asks, not believing what she just heard.

"Yes, baby!" His smile widens and he opens his arms as she rushes into them. "I love you. And I couldn't see myself without you."

"I love you too!" She flutters with excitement. "I love you! I love you! I..." She pauses and looks back at me, her wide eyes and overly excited expression make me smile. "Maddy! Have fun on your dinner date. Brayden and I have something we need to do. Love you, girl!"

"Maddy?" Mason's voice calls out as Ava and Brayden squeeze through the door.

"She's all yours!" Ava beams in excitement. "Don't gawk too much!"

"Maddy, you're..." Mason pauses, his mouth parted and eyes wide in surprise while staring at me. He steps inside my room. "You look...I don't have words. I've never seen you so beautiful..." He pauses again and quickly shakes his head. "I mean, you're always beautiful to me no matter what, but this...this version of you is like looking at a completely different person."

I look into his eyes, mine feeling innocent and nervous. "Is that a good thing?" I ask in a soft and uncertain tone. "Me looking different?"

He nods his head as his eyes stare deep into mine. Watching Brayden admit his love to Ava when I know they've had their issues, shows me how this relationship could be with Mason. The only relationship I've ever had was with Jared and that was so PG I always thought it was rated R and man was I ever wrong.

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