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The morning snowfall looks like something from a movie. As I lay in this bed and stare out of the floor to ceiling windows, I feel like I am already outside. The snow blankets the ground, trees, and vehicles in a winter wonderland scenery.

The warmth of the house combined with the rustic feel surrounding me is like a movie setting. I couldn't ask for a better way to wake up. People dream about what I am doing right now, and I can live in this moment.

My mother and father would give anything to experience this. Ava had always wanted to experience something like this, and Brayden was able to make her dream come true. Even the asshole, Mason might be enjoying this.

"You might be mad at me, but you have to admit this is a gorgeous view." I softly say, expecting a response from him. "Mason?"

I turn over and look at his bed. It's empty. It's clean. It's made. And his things are nowhere around. He must have changed rooms early this morning. But we both were tired and didn't fall asleep until after three.

I exit the bedroom and walk into the hallway. The door that leads to his room is open and the room is empty. Now I'm confused. Where is he? Maybe he is at breakfast, or maybe he went out to do something. He couldn't have left. There was no one to take him back to Providence.

"Hey!" I say and give a quick wave of my hand to him sitting on the couch. He has his duffle bag packed up and is refusing to look at me. "What's going on?"

"I'm going back to Providence." He softly says. His back is turned to me as I step up behind him. "I can't be here this weekend. I'm not feeling good."

"You're not feeling good, or is this about last night?" I ask, looking up at the kitchen and seeing Ava and Brayden both looking at us. "And no!" I quickly say to Ava. "We did not sleep together."

"It wasn't far from it." Mason interrupts and shakes his head. His tone is soft and almost saddened. "You were right, Maddy. I shouldn't have come."

My heart skips and my fingers feel numb. He just called me Maddy. No one calls me Maddy except Ava and Jared...when he was alive. If Mason is so angry with whatever he's going through, why did...

"Why?" I ask, wanting answers and growing frustrated with him. I step around the couch and look him in the eyes. "Why did you just call me Maddy. You don't get to do that."

"Why?" he asks, arguing back and standing up. "Why don't I get to call you Maddy? You need someone that always has your back to call you Maddy, right? Consider it done."

His eyes turn to the windows. A white Jeep pulls up into the driveway. The beautiful white snow creates a picturesque scene for the vehicle to drive in. "Consider what done?" I demand and wrap my hand around his arm. "What are you talking about?"

He scoffs and looks over his shoulder at Brayden and Ava. "I need to leave. I can't be here. I'm sorry guys. I'll see you at school on Monday. I hope you enjoy your weekend."

"No!" I yell and shove my hands against his chest. Every part of me is growing wildly angry and I feel like I'm losing him, even though we aren't a couple. Something feels off and he's refusing to admit whatever it is. "You are not leaving until you explain whatever crazy nonsense you're trying to spit out. Now, tell me, damn it!"

"You're right Maddy! Okay!" He yells, the anger and hurt is clear in his eyes. I can see it now. He's been scared to feel these feelings and I've known that. But I didn't know how it affected him. "You win, Madison!"

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