Hello, again

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"Well, well, well!" Mason's dad pipes up and quickly gets out of his chair. The restaurant is just as I remember it. But the last time I was here, it ended our relationship last time. "How are you, Madison? I thought I would never get to see your beautiful face ever again!"

I smile and open my arms, leaning in for a hug from him. "Thank you, Lyle!" I say and release my arms from him. "It's good to see you too. But I must say! I promised no alcohol tonight. Mason and I didn't do so well with that last time."

"I completely agree!" He adds and slides out a chair for me. "Please sit! We have much to discuss about this trip!"
"What trip?" I question, my eyes looking back to Mason in curiosity. "Mason didn't mention any trip to me."

"That's because we haven't discussed it yet," Mason adds, defending himself for not telling me. But the straight expression on his face tells me he knows I'm not happy about it.

"Here is what I have to say!" I announce with a straight-lipped smile puffing out my cheeks and a quick nod of my head because I am kind of pissed about this. "Mason and I agreed no more secrets."

Mason is tapping his finger against the table. It's clear he's either nervous or edgy. No reason to be, but he does know we are supposed to be honest with each other. "Maddy! I was going to tell you before dinner! But you couldn't meet up with me until we got here! I didn't have that choice handed to me!"

"Well, I think you could have told me on the phone or when we arrived! It's not a big deal!" I say and mentally step back so I can view our current slight argument and stop it before it progresses. "I'm so sorry, Lyle! Continue! It's just a miscommunication. No big deal!"

"I love your smile and attitude, Madison!" He smiles while raising his glass of wine to his lips. "Now, before I take this sip. I wanted to mention how we are flying out to Crescent city, California. And we'd love to invite you."

"No, you're not!" The words pour out of me like water. "Are you kidding?" My eyes widen as I look back and forth at Lyle and Mason. The shock and anxiety in my body is increasing quickly, but so is the excitement. "What is in Crescent City for you two?"

"Business." Lyle quickly admits, shutting down any other answers. He Narrows his eyes with confusion. "Why are you so intrigued by this?"

"Crescent City is my hometown," I say, making the shocking revelation to Mason as his mouth drops open and he looks like he's seen a ghost. "It's where my parents live."

"Well!" Lyle says in excitement. "If you and my boy are going to be married someday, what time is better than now to meet your parents!"

"Dad!" Mason scolds, interrupting him. "Marriage is not something we discussed and it's too early for that! And she didn't even say if she was coming, let alone agree to have us intrude on her home to meet her parents. Her parents don't even know I exist..." He pauses and returns his attention to me. "Do your parents know I exist?"

I sigh and think back on Christmas break. "I did bring up that I was seeing someone, and it ended abruptly when I went home for Christmas. So, they know you exist. But they know nothing about you, including the fact that I am in love with you. And that's going to be an interesting conversation."

"I'm sorry!" Lyle interrupts and waves his hand near the table like he's trying to cut me off but politely. "Did you just say you're in love with my son?"

"Well, both ways!" I explain and point my finger back and forth between Mason and me. "He's in love with me and I'm in love..." I pause realizing I may be over speaking. "I am so sorry, Mason. Was I not supposed to talk about this."

He looks flustered. He doesn't look angry, but I can tell I said too much.

"Mason?" Lyle asks with a wild confusion in his tone. "Is this...true? Do you love her?"

Mason softly nods, looking Lyle in the eyes. "I don't love her. I'm in love with her. She's my world. That time away from her proved to me that she's the part of me that keeps me up and alive. Now, if you don't mind, I am going to run to the restroom."

"Yes." Lyle smiles, looking like he's holding back a tear. "Yes. The food should be out shortly and go do what you need to."

Okay, Lyle is mumbling and looks like he could cry. Why is this wealthy, older, intelligent man about to cry or want to cry? What am I missing? What did Mason forget to tell me this entire moment feels awkward.

Mason slides the chair out, staring at me with his warm smile. He stands up, turns around, and begins to walk away. Lyle is already opening his mouth before Mason is too far. "My son admitted he's in love with you. This is..." He pauses and begins to take a sip of his wine.

I sit awkwardly waiting for him to put his glass back down. I watch as his slightly shaky hand lowers the glass, and his radiant expression feels like it's reaching out to me. "My son doesn't have love in his heart, or so I thought. He's a good kid and I love him to death but as we've spoken about. His mother messed him up in life. Love isn't a word I've heard him use in my entire life. Even as a child he never used that word. Masons never told me he loved me."

I'm sitting here and beginning to realize what he's getting at. "Madison!" He sternly says with a straight face. "You're the first person in his life he's said he loves. And he even said he doesn't love you; he is in love with you. Madison! You're the missing piece to his broken mind."

Ironic how Lyle says that. If he only knew I would call Mason 'My broken YOU' and for good reason. He's right too. I've noticed the changes in Mason as our relationship was growing the first time, we were together. Then for Mason to not touch a single girl the entire time we were split apart. That's enough right there to let someone know their true feelings.

"Thank you, Madison!" He smiles, reaching his hand out and I allow my hand into his. He kind of shakes my hand, but with a loving feeling a father would give.

"What are you thanking me for?" I laugh and shake my head, confusion growing inside of me. "I've done nothing special."

"You have no idea the good you've done by making my son admit he's in love. If his therapist knew about this, they'd graduate him from therapy if that existed. I honestly never thought I'd see him happy in his life like this."

I raise my finger, hoping to stop him and let me talk. "He goes to therapy?" I question, feeling like I shouldn't pry but Lyle has already made me aware of it.

He slowly nods, turning his attention to the back of the restaurant where the bathrooms are found. "He didn't tell you, did he?"

I shake my head. "I'm probably not supposed to know that. But it's okay. I won't say anything, I promise!"

"No, Madison. He only started going to therapy after you two broke up. I think deep down he knew he was in love with you then and forced himself away from you. He didn't know how to control his feelings or what they were. You're the reason he's in therapy. But now, this all probably just changed everything about him."

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?" I ask, leaning in and realizing Mason is not coming back yet so Lyle can continue to talk.

"I'm sorry, Madison. I don't want to reveal too much. You two are a happy couple. My son is the happiest I have ever seen him and now knowing he's in love with you, I want it to stay that way. I'd give up everything for you two to get married someday and to see him have grandchildren with someone he's in love with."

I softly nod my head as my warm smile fills my face. Every part of me feels honored that Lyle feels this way. I couldn't see myself with anyone else and Lyle is completely open with the fact that Mason is the same way. I do want to marry Mason someday. A part of me doesn't want to rush things, but I am hoping that day comes sooner than later.

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