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"What time do you get done with class?" Mason asks as he slides his shirt back on.

I smile, still feeling that small bit of hunger inside me, even though he fed me more than I could ask for. "I have a couple of classes. I can meet after four."

"No sooner?" He asks as he gets out of my bed. He turns around and looks at me with that playful smile of his. "I'm going to be bored waiting for you."

"Go to class." I joke and run my hand up his arm, returning my eyes to his. "That should give you something to do until four."

"I could do that. I have a question though." He exhales and seems hesitant.

"Ask me," I say in a slightly excited tone. "You shouldn't need to tell me you have a question. Just ask the question."

He almost seems nervous to ask whatever it is he wants to ask. He stares down at his fingers as they play with mine. He exhales and I can feel his nervousness. "I have dinner to go to tonight with my dad." He finally admits. "I know you're busy, but would you join me?"

Feeling shocked by his question my mouth parts and my eyes widen as I don't know what to say. "Uh..."

His eyes widen and his expression gives me this feeling that he thinks I don't want to. "You don't have to, Madison. I just figured I'd ask you."

My partially shocked expression turns into a smile. I softly nod while gazing into his deep eyes. "I'd love to. What time and where should we meet?"

"Great!" He excitedly gasps. He has this look of relief on his face that he's trying to hide. "I can pick you up from here if you want. It's at seven, if that is, okay?"

"Yes, babe," I say and a slight jolt of happiness runs through me and maybe through him.

"That's the first time you've called me babe." He says, his tone sounds the happiest I've ever heard. "Maddy. I don't think anyone has ever called me 'babe' in my life. I've never heard those words come from someone's mouth and it sounds amazing rolling off your tongue."

"Good!" I add and playfully slap my hands against his hips. "You better like it. It's going to become a normal thing, babe."

"Get to class...beautiful." He smiles and holds the door open for me. "I'll be here around six-thirty."

I exit into the hall and wait for him to close my door. "I will be waiting," I say, looking down at my normal jeans and black shirt. "Should I choose something else to wear?"

"Only if you want to. My father is formal but doesn't expect it from anyone else. It's just us three. So, if you'd like, you could wear a dress. But it's not necessary."

"Okay. With you sounding like that, I think I am better off wearing a dress. I think you should wear something different than a black shirt and those jeans."

He scoffs, his eyes widen, and he looks down at his clothes. "What's wrong with my clothes? These clothes show people who I truly am!"

"They show people that you don't own a washer and dryer."

"I resent that!" He says while trying to hold his laugh back. "I have five days' worth of jeans and shirts. I do not wear the same thing every day. You've slept with me. You know I don't stink."

No longer able to hold it back, I smile and shake my head. "You do realize I was joking, right babe?"

"Yes." He holds the door open for me. "I kind of figured you were joking about halfway through my whining."

"Good!" I say with my smile leading me to him. I wrap my arms around him. "Now kiss me. I need it before class. It's going to be a tough day."

"Your wish is my command." He smiles, leaning in. His warm lips pressing against mine reminds me of the last hour we just spent in bed.

I slowly pull away from him, not wanting to but knowing I need to. "Whenever you kiss me like that, it feels like fireflies are buzzing through every bit of my body."

"Why fireflies?" He asks, his eyes narrowing as he tries to dig deep into my mind. "Is there something about them that you like?"
"Fireflies?" I ask playfully and slide my arms up and around the back of his neck. "It's just what it feels like to me. What do you feel when you kiss me?"

"I don't know." He's quick to say and shut down this happy moment between us. "I wouldn't know how to explain it. So we can leave it at that."

"No," I argue, pulling out that stern tone I have and preparing myself to command him and argue if I need to. "What did we talk about, Mason? You cannot run away with your feelings. If we are going to make this relationship work, we must be what?"

"Honest." He mumbles, almost inaudible. "And I'm being honest. I don't know how to explain my emotions when we kiss like this."

"Give me your best shot," I say, hoping he can meet me halfway. "Anything! The first thing that comes to your mind."

"Waves from the ocean." He admits, his eyes gazing back into mine.

"Waves from the ocean?" I ask, growing confused but interested. "Why that?"

"It's simple." He explains, waving his hand up and down like a literal wave. "When we kiss it's like there's this unexpected feeling inside of me and I don't know how to explain it. But then the wave gets high, and I feel like I am on the of that wave, controlling it and loving every second of it. And then when you pull away, the wave drops, and I fall into the water, wanting to get back on that wave."

"That was a lot of explaining for something as simple as a kiss," I admit with a smile and grateful he at least opened his heart to me. "But I like it. And it's something I've never heard of in any movies, so I like your authenticity."

"I'm just speaking the truth. I've never had to explain a romantic feeling before so that's what I got."

"It works!" I say spinning around. "But I need to get to class. See you tonight!" 

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