Dad Or...

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I never expected Mason and I to reconnect over the weekend. I felt like it was going to be hell for both of us. As soon as I saw him step out of that car, I was considering driving myself back to the dorms. He and I spent all those months apart but seeing him that day made me angrier than I had ever felt around him.

But now. I couldn't be more grateful for how the universe laid everything out for me. I didn't expect to reconnect with him. I knew deep down there was something there inside of me that felt for him but after sleeping with him, I instantly knew it was love. And everything does happen for a reason. He's admitted to being in love with me, and I wouldn't want it any other way. My heart feels for him so much it's stupid.

Would I die for him though like I told everyone at the party? I am madly in love with him, but is that something I'd truly do? I would like to believe that the answer is yes. I can't believe I am even questioning myself.

The small café I am sitting at is beautiful. Small, black, and maybe iron design chairs and tables. Right near the sidewalk. The coffee they have is unbelievable and the scones are even better. I'd like to see myself owning a café someday, but it would have to be something as a side business for me. I want to be a history teacher more than anything, maybe an author including books about history.

"Here you go, Ma'am." The barista smiles and sets down my coffee on the table along with my scone.

I smile and nod. "Thank you," I say and watch as she nods and takes the next order to the following table.

My phone vibrates on the table, causing me to quickly reach for it. "Dinner with my father tonight?" Mason texts. "This time I promise I will be on my best behavior but no drinking please!"

"Deal!" I write back as a smile begins to form on my face. I've always liked his dad. He's wealthy but acts just like everyone else. He's polite and loves me. "I will see you tonight, handsome. Same place as last time?"

"Oh!" He writes back. "I am picking you up from your dorm, an hour prior."

"We aren't having sex before meeting with your father!" I argue. "I want to be clean and not 'sex hungover' if that makes any sense."

"Not even a quickie?"

"I have class." I write and shake my head. He knows how to make me smile and feel wanted without being around me. "I will talk to you later."

"Hey, beautiful." A voice calls from behind me. My smile grows when I think it's Mason. "Have you missed me?"

I turn around while trying to take a sip from my coffee. My heart sinks as I see Derek walking with a group of friends. He's eyeing me down with the evilest look yet acting like it's no big deal around his friends.

The coffee burns as it goes down my throat. I shake my head and cough. "Derek, have a great day!" I say, hoping he continues walking and ignores me.

"Have a great day. Why don't you tell that to your douchebag boyfriend! I heard you two got back together. He's lucky I don't knock his ass out!"

"Shut up Derek!" One of his friends interrupts and taps him on his shoulder. "Mason Pembrook is not getting his ass handed to him by you, me, or any of these guys! Keep walking!" His friend looks down at me as I slide my scone closer, acting like they are going to steal it and feeling like an idiot. "I'm sorry, Madison! Ignore Derek! He's an ass."

"Thank you!" I say, having no idea what his name is and feeling a little bad since he knew my name, but word gets around quickly. And when Mason Pembrook dates a girl for the first time, it's almost like celebrity status at the campus and people find out who you are.

The four men keep looking back at me like I am a celebrity, and I don't like that. I feel like I could be considered a target for any enemies Mason has. And from what I've learned in the past about him, he has enemies.

"Dude! Was that Derek?" Ava's voice calls out from behind me.

I look over my shoulder and see her walking up to me. "How does everyone know where I am at today?" I ask while trying to take a bite of my scone. "First Derek and his friends and now you. And yes, that was Derek and yes he did sound threatening towards me."

"Are you serious?" She gasps and her eyes widen. Ava will do anything to protect me and the same goes for me with her. "I will go beat his ass right now!" She threatens and forces a small laugh from me. "I mean it! He's one of the few people on campus that I cannot stand! He's creepy and just something is off about him."

I nod my head while finally getting to bite into my scone. My eyes return to the group of men walking down the sidewalk and Derek looking back at me again for what feels like the twentieth time. "Should I be concerned with Derek?" I return my attention to Ava.

"Nope. You're with Mason. If you feel like there is a problem with Derek, let Mason know. He's known for taking care of any problems. Let your boyfriend be aware of it! And I mean it!"

"Okay!" I say, trying to agree with her but also feeling like she's being a little overdramatic. I don't picture Derek trying to do anything too stupid. Especially since I am the girlfriend of Mason Pembrook. Or maybe that's why Ava is being cautious, I'm a target like I thought of before.

"Anyway!" She smiles and brings my attention back to her. "What are you doing tonight?"

I sip my coffee and gently set it back on the table. "I am meeting with Mason and his dad tonight. And Mason is trying to get me to meet with him before meeting with his dad."

"You two are very intimate." She says and stands back up. "I have an appointment. Call me after you're done tonight. I have something I want to share with you!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I say and bite into my scone as she leaves.

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