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As I walk down the campus sidewalk, I am almost mind boggled at the fact that we were in a foot of snow yesterday up north and here on campus there isn't even a dusting. It's not even that cold outside. I'm walking in a hoodie.

"Hey!" Ava calls as she rushes up behind me. "Sorry I didn't sleep in the dorm last night, I was busy."

"I bet!" I say with an unenthused tone and shake my head. "I couldn't sleep anyways so you would have just heard me tossing and turning all night."

"Why couldn't you sleep?" She asks as we reach the building for my next class. "Mason on your mind? You should have had him spend the night. That's always common for new romance."

"You saw us over the weekend, Ava." I argue and lean against the railing, my mind trying to wander to Mason and me alone. "Would you call that romance?"

"I would call it interesting and maybe fun?" She smiles, looking up at the class of people walking out of the building. "Class just finished for most people on campus. Everyone is heading to lunch. What are you doing?"

I glance down at my empty hands realizing my mind must be off today. "I was about to go to my next class, you but you're right. I'm going to get some lunch."

"I'll follow!" She smiles and turns around with me. "I am starved. I didn't get breakfast this morning."

"Mason!" I call as I see him heading toward a table. "Mason? Did he just ignore me?"

"Nah!" She answers and defends his obvious ignoring. "He looks busy."

"Mason!" I yell again, this time grabbing his attention. He whips his head in my direction. "See!" I say to Ava with a rapidly growing smile. "He's coming now."

"Hey!" He says and quickly wraps his arms around me, swooping me off my feet and hugging me tightly. "I missed you last night."

He spins me, my eyes catching Ava's shocked expression on her face. "What did you do to Mason and who are you?" She jokes.

Mason carefully puts me down, quickly stealing a kiss from me and resting his forehead on mine. "Mason is right here." He says, his tone soft, deep, and needing. "Your best friend just changed who he was."

"I think the school knows that now too." She adds. "Every single person surrounding us is staring at you two like they just saw the world end. And I can't lie. Even I feel like that right now."

His eyes gaze into mine as he leans closer to me, his warm and inviting lips softly press against mine. It sends a 'wildfire' roaring through my inner body while my outer body feels at peace and calm.

His tongue gently slides against mine, forcing me to smile while kissing him. My hands gently slide down the side of his body, reaching his hips, perfect for me to hold onto. The emotions running through me feel like I'm winning a trophy with the entire college knowing we are a couple.

He pulls back, his smile warming me even more. "I needed that kiss." He says and steps back, quickly sliding his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers. "Lunch?"

"Yes, please." I softly say, almost inaudible. "I've been craving a taco salad and..."

"I'm buying." He adds, interrupting me. "I owe you for a lot, Madison. You have no idea what you've turned me into and it's a good thing."

"I'm not going to argue free food." Ava interrupts, sliding next to us with her wide and warm smile.

"You too Ava." Mason smiles and pulls me closer to him and we begin to walk. "I will buy you lunch."

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