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I swing the door open, my eyes instantly connecting the hurt in his eyes. I can tell I struck a nerve in him and there is a little bit of peace inside of me because of me doing so. "Why did you follow me to my room?" I softly ask while I fight to keep that ravenous hunger deep inside of me. His body, his cologne, his saddened and almost poetic expression. They all create this wild hunger inside of me. "Why follow me? We aren't together!"

"I felt like I had to!" He answers, but uncertain of his answer. "You and John kissing threw me for a loop. Together or not, it's disgusting and wrong! You kissed him in front of me!"

"You're the one who broke up with me! Remember!" I argue, stepping closer to him and feeling that tension inside of me growing. My body feels warm and flushed as I stare into his pain-filled eyes. A part of me wants to grab him and slam my door shut, allowing him to do whatever he wants to me. "Why did you follow me back here?"

"I don't know what made me follow you, Maddy!" He argues the frustration is getting the best of him. "I followed because seeing you kiss him drove me angry."

"Number one, don't call me Maddy!" I argue yet allow my hand to slide against his arm. "And I'm not asking why you followed me to my room. I'm asking why you follow me back to this Lake house! You knew I was here, and you still came."

His shaky breath throws me off. His sex-drunk eyes gaze deeply into mine. He wants me, and I don't think he even realizes it. His twisted and broken mind easily confuses him.

"I don't know!" He argues with a tone that sounds confused and hurtful. "I felt like if I had you alone for even a minute..."

"Then what? What would you do with that minute? You broke up with me, so why play this stupid game? What do you want from me?"

The entire world has gone silent as I gaze into his seductive eyes as he tries to play innocent. He gently moves my hands away from his chest and begins to guide me into my room. His eyes stay stuck on mine as he kicks the door shut, his hands sliding underneath my shirt.

"What are you doing?" I breathe softly, almost inaudible.

"Exactly what you want me to do." He whispers and slides my shirt up, his lips closing in on mine.

I release a gasp and slide my hands up his back. "What makes you think I want this?"

The heavy look on his face is a needy or wanted look as his hands grab onto my ass and lift me. I wrap my legs around his waist as his warm and inviting lips press hard against mine, telling me he knew what he was doing when he followed me back here.

His tongue caresses mine as my hands rub up and down his back. "This isn't fair," I whisper. The warmth inside of me is that missing wildfire that I haven't felt in months and the return of it scares me, knowing how addicted I can become to him and only him.

He pulls away and gasps. He gazes into my eyes with this sense of desire. "No one is allowed to have you but me. Seeing him kiss you reminded me that I have an addiction."

"To me." I seductively whisper, steal another kiss, and pull back. "Do you have a condom?" I breathe, my sex-drunk eyes staring into his.

He slowly nods. "Tell me, Maddy! Tell me I am yours and only yours! No other guy can ever touch you! Do you understand me!"
"Yes sir" My whisper blows into his ear as I force my hands to his pants button and zipper. "How badly do you want what's yours?"

"You don't have to ask that question." He breathes as his seductive smile moves closer to my lips and I slide his shirt off. "How bad do you want to fix what's broken, Maddy?"

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