Wake up

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"Miss Harlow? Are you with us?" Mrs. Newby's voice calls out. "Would you like to tell the class the answer to the question that I just asked?"

"William...Howard...Taft!" I exclaim as I stare out of the giant windows off to my left. "He was the twenty-seventh president. I was paying attention, Mrs. Newby. I am just a little under the weather today."

"I apologize, Madison. Do you need to go back to your dorm for the day?" She questions, walking back around her desk and reaching for her open laptop. "Your scores are very good. You could miss the rest of this class and it wouldn't do anything to you at all. Just let me know. I'd rather you not get the entire class ill."

"I'll let you know," I say and nod, returning my attention to the windows. "I think it's just the common cold."

"Are you alright?" Ava quietly asks, leaning in toward me. "We didn't drink much last night at all."

"Oh, I'm fine!" I admit, a smile cracks on my face. "I just lied to her to make her feel like shit. Just like she admitted, I'm one of her top students, so if I want to look out the window and still be able to answer her question, she can kiss my ass, and yes, I am serious."

"Damn!" She scoffs and leans back into her seat. "That's a side of you I've never seen before. Lying to a teacher? That is totally unlike you, Madison, but I like it."

"Mr. Pembrook!" Mrs. Newby announces with surprise in her tone. "I was under the assumption you had dropped out of school with how long you've been gone."

My heart drops as everyone turns their attention toward the doors, Mason slowly stares at everyone, his eyes catching mine and he instantly looks down and takes the nearest seat to him. "You should have gotten a note, Mrs. Newby." He says with a soft and innocent-sounding tone. "it's been a month because I had an emergency and had some family to help. There is a note from the dean somewhere in your email."

"I'll look." She spins around, heading back to her desk again, this time she looks like she's on a mission. "The rest of class, just go ahead and read chapter nineteen."

Slowly, I turn my body. There are nerves inside of me growing as my heart beats just a little faster. My chin touches my shoulder as I look back at Mason, sitting and staring at me. I swallow and return my attention to the front of the class, uncertain of what the look on his face means.

"He is staring you down," Ava adds to an already awkward feeling inside of me. "He is...oh never mind. Lana is already sitting next to him and talking to him."

My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. I quickly turn my head again, looking back at his smile as Lana is talking to him. What does she have to say to him? I didn't even know they liked or knew each other. I feel like Lana could do better than him. He's just going to use her.

The bell rings, sending a jolt through my body and I quickly grab my books. "Let's get out of here before he says anything to me," I admit while rushing toward the door. "Hurry, Ava."

"Well!" She argues, almost dropping her books while trying to keep up with me. "You need to slow down. I'm not that fast!"

I watch as Mason turns his attention from Lana to me and he quickly stands up. "Madison, can we talk?"
"No, Mason!" I scoff and squeeze my books tightly against my chest as I rush out of the room. "I have nothing to say to you!" Which is a lie. I have a lot to say to him, I just don't want to. He left on his terms, and I know damn well he is lying about it being because of family.

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