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"What is it you want, Mason?" I question looking around the party as we head toward the stairs. "You're taking me away from time with Ava, which I don't get too much of anymore."

"You came to my party, Madison." He argues, taking my hand and slowly guiding me up the stairs. "I think we both know who you'd rather hang out with."

I hide the smile that wants to form on my face. "I only came back because you said you wanted to talk, Mason. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Even with all the loud noise around, I can hear him scoff. I can only see the back of his head as we walk up the stairs, but something tells me he's smiling. "You came here and saw me with girls. You ran out. I wanted to make it clear that we weren't a thing."

My lips part as the tension inside of me builds. I want to smack him right now, but not in front of everyone. "You convinced me to come back into the party and leave Ava just to make it clear we aren't a 'thing'? I know this, Mason. That's a stupid ass reason to convince me to come back in."

"That's not all I wanted to talk about." His tone is mysterious as he gently kicks his foot against the bedroom door, opening it.

As the door swings open, I gawk in surprise. If this is his bedroom, it's spotless. The walls are beige with an off-white trim surrounding them. There are only a few pictures on the walls and there isn't a single bit of dirt or clothing or garbage on his floor. His bed is made, the blanket nicely tucked in, and his dresser doesn't hold a single sign of dust.

He releases his hand from mine and turns around to face me. My partially open mouth and half smile must be telling him I am shocked. "Is this your room?" I softly ask, my eyes wandering every single inch of the room.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Who cleans it?" I demand in a sense that I don't believe he's the one cleaning it. "This is too clean...for anyone."

"I'm hardly in this room, Madison. And I clean it. Is it hard to believe I am a clean person?" He questions while tilting his head and reaching his hand out for mine. "Come sit."

"What do you want to talk about, Mason? I have things to do. And if you're just going to give me an overview of what friendships are and what having sex together means in English, then you can kiss my ass."

"Just stop, Madison." He argues as he looks down at the floor with a look of confusion and maybe anger mixed into it. "The sex we had today was unlike any sex I've ever had before."

My heart sinks but in a good way. Maybe I've gotten to him? Maybe he does feel something for me after all? "What do you mean?" I ask, my hand slowly sliding up his arm, knowing I should stop myself, but not wanting to.

He pulls away. His confused and somehow innocent expression begins to confuse me. He walks two steps back. "I enjoyed it."

"Yeah, and?" I ask mockingly. "Aren't you supposed to enjoy sex? Isn't that the point?"

"Not like that!" He argues. His tone sounds needy and still confused at the same time. "I enjoyed having it with you and I don't know how to express that, Madison. I don't do relationships and I'd rather not make this into something that I would end up destroying. I am a destructive person, or I can be."

He turns his attention to me. His eyes gaze deep into mine with a haunting sadness in them. He wants to tell me something. But he's too afraid too. I don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that.

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