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With my legs wrapped around his waist, he holds me against the wall of the bedroom. His tongue slides deeper into my mouth creating this tropical-like atmosphere around me while my hunger for him increases. It's warm and arousing the way our kiss connects.

The arousing excitement inside of me is acting like a child getting their first taste of an amusement park. Even though we've done this several times it still feels like the first time every single damn time.

I dig my fingernails into his shirtless back as he thrusts into me, forcing a wild and excited moan out of me. His continuous thrusts into me forces me to rest my head on his shoulder, allowing him to take full control of me.

"Harder." I plead as he feeds my ravenous hunger.

He pulls his head back, looking into my eyes. His heavy and rapid breaths brush against my neck causing me to release another moan softly into his ear. My back slides against the wall as he obeys my command and drives into me harder.

I blow a breath to move the strands of hair out of my face. I remove my fingers from his back and quickly wipe my hand across my forehead to remove the tiny beads of sweat forming. My chest burns hotter as my rapidly escaping breaths only increase.

This feeling releasing from every inch of my body is like a warm light that has covered me and it's addicting. His hands on my ass and his mouth on my neck while he teaches me how to be seductive is something I could do all day, every day. He has me addicted.

His body wrapped around mine while keeping me pressed against the wall is fucking magical and my moans bouncing around the walls of the room are proof. His soft moans into my ear only make it more arousing as that build-up inside of me feels like it wants to release.

His warm lips pull away from my neck. I raise my head back up and press it against the wall while staring deep into his sex-drunk eyes. That dam inside of me opens and rushes out of me, sending a shockwave of immense pleasure through my body, causing my legs to tremble and the top of my head to feel numb.

I chew on my bottom lip as my moans pour out of me. He's not saying anything, but his heavy and rapid breaths along with his moans as he slams into me causes me to believe his hunger is fed along with mine.

The look on his flushed face forces me to smile as he pulls us away from the wall. He spins us around, giving me a full view of the winter wonderland outside. The blanket of beautiful, white snow mixed with the wild arousal that he just poured out of me will make this moment unforgettable.

He carries me to the bed as I rest my head on his shoulder and this comforting happiness overcomes me. "I can have an addictive personality, Madison." He softly whispers into my ear.

I run the tip of my tongue across the bottom of my lip as his tone sends a shiver through me. "And?" I softly question and run my lips on the bottom of his ear.

"No matter what happens to us in the future. No one can ever have you. You're mine and this is part of why I don't date. When I want something, I take it and I don't let it go. You're stuck with me."

He gently sets me down on the bed, his eyes deep into mine as he steps away. "Do you love me?" I ask and almost instantly regret questioning him. "Or what do you feel?"

He turns around and quickly slides his pants on. He turns his head toward his shoulder as if he's going to look at me but doesn't look at me. "I'm not going to tell you I love you. I never said that. I'm just admitting my feelings to you and if we are going to try this 'relationship' then you must know, I'll never agree to someone else calling you theirs!"

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