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My dad makes me nervous. The tapping of his finger on the table and the narrowed-eyed expression on his face bother me. I don't know if it's because of Mason or because of knowing my boyfriend has a millionaire father, and I don't know if I want to know.

The restaurant is beautiful. I don't remember this place even though I grew up here. It has a rustic feel but is right on the ocean. The water is in clear view of our table, and I forgot how beautiful the West Coast can be.

My mother looks excited, and Lyle is just sitting in silence. This entire situation is awkward. Mason looks like he has a few choice words for my dad but thanks to me he's keeping his mouth closed. My dad has no right to say what he said and now this entire night is ruined.

"I think it's unethical and wrong for you to be angered at my son." Lyle calmly says while staring at my father with what looks like a death stare. "He's a good kid. He's never admitted to loving anyone, not even in his family until your daughter came along. She's his savior and I think you should be proud to have someone like her for a daughter."

"Why do you have birth control, Maddy!" My dad asks again, completely ignoring Lyle. "I don't care if you are twenty-one. I don't care if you think you love this hoodlum. I don't care how much money Lyle has. I want the truth!"

"What good is the truth going to do Mark?" My mother scolds while trying to remain kind and calm to Lyle and Mason. "Madison is twenty-one years old. Her personal life is well past our business. She could have been doing this years ago if that's even what she's doing. You don't get any right."
"She's, my daughter!" My dad argues back slamming his fists down on the table. "I raised her and..." He pauses and looks around the outside deck, realizing he's making a scene. "I'm stating I know what's right and wrong for her and Mason is not right for her. She promised she'd wait until she was married."

"I never did a thing, Dad!" I argue, stopping him from continuing his crazed argument. "I am so sorry Mason and Lyle. My father is a good man. I never thought we'd be going through something like this."

"Neither did I!" My father fires back, his angered eyes glaring at Mason and Lyle. "I'd suggest you two to break up. Find a new hobby."
"I don't have any hobbies, dad!"

"I was talking to Mason, Madison!" My dad commands in anger. "His hobby is to pick up girls and he netted the most prized possession! My daughter and it's disturbing to know..."

"It's not what you think it is!" Mason interrupts him. I can see the anger building on Mason's face, but he's doing so good at being respectful to me and I love him for that. "Did you not listen to my father's plea? Your daughter changed who I was and turned me into a better person. She's turned me into someone who has learned how to love again and taught me how to control my feelings."

"I don't care!" My dad argues, his tone growing angrier and louder, once again drawing attention to us.

"Let's just go, son." Lyle interrupts and slides a folded-up pile of cash from his pocket. "Dinner is on me." He nods his head at my mother. "Maggie, it was a pleasure to meet you. Madison, we will see you back at the hotel, I've upgraded your and Mason's room to a suite. Ava can have the other suite. Mark, hopefully someday you will find your way to accept my son, because we are good people, and your daughter is in love with him. I believe you're in denial."

"And I believe my daughter should stay at our house for the evening and not in some cheap motel room with him." My dad argues, crossing his arms and sitting back on his chair.

"Dad!" I argue and slide my arm underneath the mason's and pull him closer to me. "I'm twenty-one and it's my choice who I decide to fall in love with..." I pause and shake my head, spinning around. "In fact, I didn't choose to fall in love with Mason. The universe chose it for me! I had other plans. But he and I found each other unexpectedly."

"I don't care!" He argues like a grown child. "If you continue this relationship with him I will..."

"You will what?" I interrupt in an uproar. "What will you do, Dad? Because the last I checked, I've been the one making sure my life has been moving smoothly, not you! I've been taking care of myself. I am not a child anymore. And if you don't change your attitude toward me, I won't come back home. At least not to see you!"

"Now, hold on, Maddy!" My mother pleads with tears in her eyes. "Please don't do that!"

"I'm sorry Mom. I will come home for you. I can't see myself never seeing you again, so I will come home, but not for him. Not if he can't accept who I am with!"

"I won't and I don't have to!" He scolds me and turns his attention away from me.

"What did Grandpa say when you and Mom met?" I ask, already knowing my grandfather disapproved of them together.

My dad looks back at me in shock, not knowing how to respond. "He was fine with us." He lies.

"Liar!" My mother scolds. "You just said all those things to your daughter and her wonderful boyfriend, yet now it's okay for you to lie? Mark!"

"He disapproved!" My father admits in a mumble and almost inaudible. "But that still doesn't change the fact that I have a daughter slumming it with some tattooed lowlife!"

"Alright, now that's enough!" Lyle steps in, stopping my father. "We've been nothing but kind to you people and to call my son a lowlife is something I will step in and stop at once. You have no idea who my son is and what he has done in his life. He's a good kid and I will be damned to let you call him any other names."

"I'm so sorry!" My mother pleadingly says. Her eyes plead with them. "Mark is a good guy, he just has a temper sometimes."

"Yeah?" Mason asks, interrupting her. "I do too. But I have remained calm this entire day trying my best to be kind to him, and he's made it very clear he wants me away from his daughter."

"Yes! And I think she should come home with us! Right, Madison!"

"No!" I argue, turning around and pulling Mason with me. "I love you, mom! I will stop by tomorrow before we leave. I love you, Dad, but this is not okay. I hope you change your mind someday because Mason and I are permanent whether you want to accept it or not."

"I'm not accepting it. If you ever marry him don't expect me to walk you down the aisle. Oh, and you can expect to be cut off from funding with that attitude. Have fun paying for your apartment I promised you!"

"Mark!" My mother yells and slaps his shoulder. "Don't listen to him Madison! I will never allow that. What is going on with you tonight? You are being evil!"

"No!" He yells and slides his chair out. His reddened face increases in color as he reaches his arm out. His eyes widen and he grabs for his chest.

"Are you okay, Mark?" Lyle asks as we watch my dad squeeze his upper arm.

My heart sinks as I watch my father grip his shoulder and squeeze his eyes tight. He begins to fall. Mason swoops over, holding his arms out and catching my dad before he falls over. Mason slowly lowers him to the ground as my mother's tears stream down her frozen and terrified face.

"Breathe with me, Mark!" Mason loudly begs as he gently lays him down. "Keep breathing! Someone call nine-one-one!"

"They are on their way!" One of the waitresses says as we all stand around helplessly waiting. "Is there anything anyone can do?"

"Chest compressions!" Mason adds while lowered next to him, wide-eyed and lost. "Or does anyone have aspirin?"

"I can't breathe!" My dad pleadingly says with terror in his eyes. "It's getting worse!"
Tears fall down my terrified face as I stand helpless. "Hold on, Daddy! Please don't die!"

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