The Lake House

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The cabin is beautiful. But it's not a cabin, it's more like a giant lake house for the wealthy. The house looks like it's made from giant wooden beams and being held up by beautiful stone. The two combined create this harmonization with the surrounding area as its overview of the lake is stunning.

The giant bay windows reach from floor to ceiling, and I can see the inside as I step up to the front patio. It's inside having chandeliers while the rustic feel continues to fill the interior. It's an open concept and would be a deep woods lover's dream.

I can see the swimming pool and the hot tub in the back surrounded by deep forest, and I don't know what Brayden's parents did for a living, but I want it. I want all of it.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I mumble under my breath as my eyes glare at Mason getting out of a black SUV. There are only six of us and the driver of the SUV is George. He and his girlfriend Wendy are only staying tonight. They plan on going further north to his parents' cabin. But Mason wasn't supposed to be here.

"Ava!" I quietly grab her attention. "What is he doing here?"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" She adds and quickly turns her attention to Brayden. I watch as Brayden shrugs his shoulders like he had no idea. "Did you know?" She yells back at him.

"Yeah!" He argues yelling back, while Mason looks over at all of us. "He's one of my best friends! And it's fine. He will stay away from her."

Mason scoffs and shakes his head while he starts walking toward the front patio. "Don't flatter yourself, Madison. I'm not here for you and you're not here for me. We can leave it at that. Sound like a plan?"
"Yeah." I add shaking my head as the anger inside of me slowly begins to build, yet another part of me is fighting that wanting that feeling. "I came here to lose the thought of you. And even with you here. I will still lose that thought, one way or another."

"Yeah?" He sarcastically yells while stepping into the house. "You're not the only one."

Ava brushes her shoulder against mine, her cheesy smile holds a bit of disgust in it too. "I hate you right now!" She says, watching as Mason walks into the house.

"Me?" I question, growing confused as we begin to walk toward the house. "Why me?"

"The argument you two just had made it seem like you two are in a relationship. Almost like a married couple. And that says you two may find a common denominator this weekend."

I scoff, smiling and shaking my head. "I'm not sleeping with him. I will bet you any amount of money I will not be touching him this weekend. You were right yesterday. I need to find a way to get over him. He's never going to settle down for a relationship."

"Okay." She says, smiling and not believing a word I am saying. "Either way, we are going to have an amazing weekend! Drinks and partying always sound fun."

"That's one of the dumbest things, I've ever heard, but at the same time it still brings a small bit of excitement knowing I'm finally away from school and out enjoying myself for a weekend and it isn't parties on campus!"

"Agreed!" Brayden announces, quickly pushing past us while carrying the several cases of beer." Can one of you open the door please!"

"You're the one who pushes past us, dork!" Ava says playfully with a loving smile on her face. These two are romance goals. They have a bond unlike anything and I'm so happy for them. They make me wish I had someone the way they have each other.

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