Home is not where the heart is

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The sun shines on what I feel like could be a bad day. I stare at the small, dark blue, ranch-style home as my anxiety rises. The car pulls into the driveway making my shoulders tense up and my heart pump a little harder.

There's nothing wrong with seeing my parents. I'm excited to see them. But there is everything wrong with my father meeting Mason. My dad has always been a strict man. He's loving and would give his shirt off his back to help almost anyone. He's a great man. But I am his only child, and he wants the best for me. Just the thought of me living in Providence bothers him but he knows it's for the best.

My throat burns with a knot that I cannot swallow. It's stuck in there sitting like a golf ball blocking a vacuum cleaner hose. I'm not dying but it feels close enough. My fingers feel numb as Mason intertwines his into them. My eyes wander around the yard while Ava gently presses her hand on my shoulder.

"What business did your dad have in Crescent City?" I ask Mason, trying to deter the thoughts about what my dad is going to think. "This town doesn't offer much."

"It offers more than you know." He says, opening the door and getting out. "My dad is an investor and he found at least three investments. Oh, and he'd love to meet with your parents for dinner today if they are free."

"One thing at a time!" I say, stepping out of the car and feeling the sun hit me. "Let's have them meet you first, then we can discuss dinner with your father."

"Are you okay?" Ava questions as she shuts the car door. "You look a little..."

"Nervous?" I question and the word rattles out of me. "I am. I haven't seen my parents since Christmas and that's okay, but I'm about to have them meet someone I fell in love with, and I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do any of this."

"We are here with you." She says, pressing her hand against my back and trying to force me closer to the door, guiding me while I want to fight with her hand and run off.

I inhale a long and deep breath as my fingers wrap around the doorknob. I slowly open the door; the smell of lilacs fills my nose as I step inside. "Mom? Dad?" The small living room is empty. The dining room is empty. I'm so used to my dad sitting in his rocking chair watching a football game with every chance he can. "Their car is here, so they might be in the backyard. Follow me."

Mason's sigh tells me he is nervous even if he doesn't want to admit it. Ava looks excited. And I am ready to go back to the hotel room. "Hello?" I yell again. "Anyone home?"

"Is that my daughter!" My mother's voice calls from the kitchen. "Madison, is that you?" Her smile is wide. Her radiant face is still younger than ever. Her dark brown hair and hazel eyes fill my heart as she walks in.

"Yes, mom!" I say and open my arms up as she stares at me in shock. "I've missed you and Dad! My boyfriend's dad had some business here and I flew out with them!"

"Boyfriend!" She sounds ecstatic as she yells and analyzes him from head to toe. I can see her look of approval and I breathe a sigh of relief. One parent down, one more to go.

"Mark!" She yells my father's name. "There is one giant surprise in our dining room!"

"What is it?" My father asks as he walks in. His blonde hair and dark brown eyes, the opposite of my mother's but suits his fifty-year-old face perfectly. "Maddy?"

"Hi, Dad!" My warm smile is wide as he quickly rushes in and swoops me up. "I've missed you guys!" I speak.

"What are you doing here?" He questions with a tone that sounds surprised and excited. "I thought we weren't going to see you until next Christmas at this rate! This is an amazing surprise! Are you staying for a while? Do you need me to make sure your room is set up?"

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