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"You could've stayed if you wanted to," Mason says with a deep and soft tone while he steps into my dorm bathroom. "I would've stayed with you. You know I would have."

"I would have too." Ava quietly says, her saddened eyes staring into mine. "We love you and want to be there for you."

"I couldn't stay there," I admit, almost hating myself for leaving. "My mother had it handled. My being there would have done nothing for him. All my mother's family is there for her and my dad is going to be just fine. Thankfully it was a light heart attack. It forced the doctors to find the cause and now they can fix it."

"When is the surgery? Mason asks while slowly pulling my clothes out of my suitcase.

"I can do that," I argue and look around my dorm room, almost thankful to be home. "And the surgery is right away tomorrow. They will do it and he will be just fine. I couldn't stay there another day. It might be my hometown but it's not my home anymore. This place is."

Mason sets my suitcase back into the closet. "If you need to go back for any reason, I will drop everything and go with you. I have the costs covered no matter what."

"You don't have to do that, babe." I smile and stare at him feeling grateful while he finishes cleaning up my baggage. "My dad will be just fine. They said it was a minor surgery and he looked healthy. We sat with him for two days. We needed to come back home. I missed my bed and even though I love my parents to death, this was necessary."

"I know. But still!" Mason argues, looking at me like I'm supposed to agree to his terms. "If you have to go back for any reason at all."

"I know." I softly nod with a straight-lipped smile. "I will make sure we figure it out. Now what are our plans?"

The vibrations from my phone grab my attention. I quickly reach for it. "Hi, Mom!" I say and turn the phone on loudspeaker. "What's up?"

"Hi, Maddy!" My mom's excited voice says. "Is Mason around at all?"

"Yeah!" I say and look toward Mason with a confused expression. "He's right next to me. What's up?"

"Your father has something he'd like to say to him. He's feeling better before his surgery and he can talk clearly again, can't you, Mark?"

"Yeah, yeah!" I hear my dad's rough voice in the background.

"Hi, Daddy!" I yell like a six-year-old child. Hearing his voice makes me feel at ease, knowing he's feeling better, and this surgery should clear him up completely. "How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful!" He says, his voice sounding closer to the phone. "Where is that tattooed kid?"

"Mason?" I correct him, knowing he's not going to care. "He can hear you, Dad. He's right next to me and I have the speaker on."

"Mason." My dad says with an unapproved tone.

"Yes, sir," Mason says, quickly returning to being quiet.

"I don't know how I feel about you and my daughter. I'm not comfortable with it. But you did help save my life and I did not get to thank you. So, thank you. I also am glad my daughter has Ava to be on her side and you as a male figure around to protect her. That's all I'm saying. Now take this damn phone back Maggie."

"Okay!" My mother softly says. "You kids have a good night. I will talk to you after your father gets out of surgery tomorrow!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I say with excitement running through me. I've been terrified and hate to show it to anyone, but this surgery is guaranteed to fix him, and I couldn't be any happier. "Love you guys!"

"Where are you going?" Mason asks and I look over at Ava opening the door.

"I haven't seen my man all week. I'm going to spend the night there." She releases her hand from the door and turns around, looking at the two of us. "You two should try it sometime."

I hesitate. "Would you want to spend the night with me?" I softly ask, knowing for some reason he doesn't do 'sleepovers. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to ask."

He rests his head on my stomach, his eyes looking up toward mine. "I think we take care of each other. And I think sleeping together without the 'sex' part of it will eventually become a staple in this relationship. Yes, I'll spend the night."

He slides his arm underneath my back, squeezing my body a little tighter. He's truly my everything. I don't think anything could ever ruin us ever again. No matter what happens between us, it can be fixed. All things can be fixed.

"I love you, Mason." The words slide out of my mouth.

He releases me and raises his head. His warm smile and the excitement in his expression brings warmth to me, knowing that I get this opportunity in life to have someone as loving and caring as he is and many people never get this chance.

"And I love you, Maddy." He slowly slides his body across mine. "I'm your 'Broken YOU' and I wouldn't have it any other way.

His hands dig into my bed as he hovers his body over mine. He leans in, connecting his warm and inviting lips to mine. I close my eyes as our lips gently press together. My body flutters with love as I slowly raise my head, sliding my tongue into his mouth.

I slide my hand across the back of his head, pressing our lips harder together, feeling like I am not getting enough of him. His tongue caresses mine, forcing that addictive hunger inside of me to wake up like a wild animal.

Feeling his warm body against mine only increasingly tells me he wants the same thing I do. I slide my other hand slowly down his back and slide it into his shorts. My wrist pulls up on his shorts forcing them to move down a little with the slide of my hand.

The world is gone and the only thing I see, feel, taste, and smell is Mason. My insatiable hunger for him only seems to grow each time he pleasures me. Not only does it grow, but he feeds it exactly how it needs to be fed.

Our bodies collide like waves in the ocean colliding with the shorelines. Our love gravitates toward each other no matter how far away we are and when he's on top of me, it's like the moon pulling water from the world. He sucks me into his world.

His shorts slide down a little further as I slide my hand from his ass to his side, my hunger only increasing. He slides his hand up my black skirt, his fingers gripping onto my underwear.

His hungered-sounding breaths only increase as he slowly runs his finger across the lining of my underwear. Our lips pull away from each other as his heavy breaths only increase with the slide of my hand to the front of his shorts.

He gently presses his lips against my neck, causing an instant warmth to rush throughout my body to in between my legs. The soft suck of his lips forces me to arch my back and release a gasping moan. Fuck fireworks. This feels like a dopamine bomb just exploded inside of me.

I move my hands from his shorts and slap his hand away from my panties. Fast and smoothly, I slide my panties down. As he continues to gently suck on my neck, I fumble to kick my panties off my legs. My hands slide into his shorts, quickly pulling them down to his knees.

He releases his lips from my neck. "Maddy, I don't have a condom."
"I don't give a fuck!" I interrupt in a seductive rage filled with this insatiable hunger. "I'm back on birth control and you can pull out."

My hands press against his ass, forcing him to drive into me. I spread my legs and release a loud pleasurable moan as my world feels like it's been set on fire but with a fire that pleasures you in so many fucking ways. This addiction is only getting worse, but I don't care.

"You've changed." He smiles as he thrusts into me.

"You've created this version of me," I whisper and allow him to take over my body. 

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