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In my mind, I consider every day to be a good day. Or at least I try to. Waking up and looking out at the window on a sunny November day is already a win for me. My cozy bed sheets and blankets create this comfort that forces me to lay here, yet this bed reminds me of last night and almost giving in to my deepest and darkest temptation. I didn't know that side of me existed until Mason came around.

Ava coming in last night and ruining what was about to happen is conflicting in my mind. I don't know how I feel about it. As I lay here this morning in the same shirt and panties, I still wish Mason had taken them off and fed my insatiable hunger. At the same time, a part of me is glad Ava interrupted us, stopping what could have been a massive mistake.

I reach for my phone, checking the time, knowing it shouldn't matter because it's Saturday and I have nothing going on today. A missed message? And it's from a number I don't have saved. I open my phone to read the message.

"It's Mason. I know you don't have my number saved because I had to get your number from Brayden. Last night was something I had never felt before. And as much as I hate to say this, I have slept with a lot of women in my lifetime. Those feelings that came from me, I've never felt. With that being said, I think we should stay away from each other in that form, but I want to remain friends. I also am sending a buddy of mine over this morning to grab my watch. He should be there around eight."

My eyes look up at the time. It's already after eight and no one is here, yet. And I'll be damned if I have some frat boy coming into my dorm room while I am in my panties and my short cutoff shirt. I hardly felt comfortable letting Mason see me like this...okay that's a lie, I enjoyed showing him.

"Is he coming?" I message back.

"Should be there. If not, then maybe later today. Sorry, I thought he was going to for me."

I lay my head back and set my phone down. Closing my eyes only brings flashbacks of last night, and that wildfire starts building inside of me every time I think about it. I've done 'things' to myself before. Maybe now would be a good time to take that opportunity.

My fingers slowly run down my stomach, gently arousing me. I shiver as my mind wanders back to Mason's kiss. Gently, I run my pointer finger along the line of my panties, slowly exhaling a needed breath.

My other hand runs through my hair. My stomach pushes in and out as my breath grows heavier. I'm not new to helping myself when I need to, but it's rare. I'm twenty-one and I think the last time I've done this was seventeen.

My fingers gently slide into my panties as I visualize Mason's hand instead. It brings this rapid warmth through my body and forces it to rush down to my pelvic area. I release a soft and gentle moan as my fingers slide further down.

The upper part of my ass cheeks slightly hangs out as my underwear has partially moved down with my hand. This causes me to rub my body against the soft and silky sheets, creating more of an insatiable desire.

I forgot what this feeling felt like. I'm not a 'good girl' but I'm not someone who does this in a normal routine. But this feeling inside of me as I think of my heavy, seductive moment with Mason last night, it's an amazing feeling I want all the time.

I gasp and arch my back as my fingers move lower. My tightly closed eyes can only see Mason's face and it's driving me wild in a bad and good way. The warmth and tingling feeling inside of me forces me to see his face, but that small part that wants to stop all of this is fighting with it.

My soft skin slides against the sheets as I continue to feel this explosive feeling. My warm body feels like it's burning up the bed as I sway my lower body, in sync with my hand. I blow the hair out of my face as beads of sweat begin to build up.

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