The Heart Break

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The light from the sun beaming into my dorm room is my morning alarm. "What time is it?" I ask and raise my hand over my eyes, blocking that menace from blinding me. "Ugh! I'm too comfortable to move!"

"Go back to sleep!" Mason mumbles as I feel his head on my chest. "It's still early."

Did he sleep on me all night like this? I'm in love right now. His messy hair and shirtless body cover most of me as he sleeps on me. I've never slept in the same bed as any man in my life. And maybe it seems dumb to people, but to me, this is just as big of a deal as having sex.

His hand slides up my naked stomach as he groans. "Don't want to wake up yet!" He complains while opening his eyes. "But I am grateful that I get to wake up on you.

I slide the tip of my tongue across my lips and smile a warm and loving smile. "And I love you too!"

His half-closed eyes gaze into mine, reminding me that no matter how much time passes by our love is only growing stronger. He gently rubs the side of his head against my chest. "Last night was..."

"Unforgettable!" I interrupt him with a seductive and pleasurable tone as my mind goes back to him flipping me over on my stomach, teaching me new things that I didn't know were possible. "Whatever you did with your tongue."

"Woah!" Ava says as the door opens, and she walks into the room. "According to the floor, your bed, and the lack of clothes, it's obvious what you two did last night."

"I know that smell!" Brayden announces as he steps into the dorm. "You two had one wild night! Congrats bro!"

"Congrats?" Mason questions with a tilt of his head and confusion growing. "Thanks, I think? What are you two up to?"

"I'm not going to find a used condom in the bathroom garbage again, am I?" Ava loudly asks from the bathroom.

"Didn't use one!" I admit while slowly turning my body and forcing myself to wake up. "I'm on birth control."

"You might be!" She adds. "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't use a condom. Birth control has been known to not be effective at all in some cases!"

"Yes, mother!" I groan as I look down at my phone seeing it's already nine-thirty. "Babe, we overslept by like two hours."

"What time is it?" He asks while trying to look over my body at my phone. "Nine-thirty? We did sleep in, but we also had a long night!"

"Thirty minutes?" Brayden asks, shooting his fingers like fake guns at us.

"No," Mason argues, sliding his shirt over his head. "You'd be disappointed if I even began to discuss how our night was."

Brayden looks disappointed as his eyes move from Mason and back to me. "Well, Ava and I had a long night too!" He proudly admits.

"No, we didn't!" Ava argues as she walks out of the bathroom with her makeup case. "And something tells me just by the smell of our dorm room, I wouldn't have slept last night if you two were serious."

"Do you want the truth, Brayden?" Mason proudly states, knowing he's going to put Brayden to shame. "We started at nine and finished at three."

"Six hours!" Ava looks at me like she's concerned or worried. "Are you going to be able to walk today?"

My mind wanders back to last night and when Mason taught me new things. "Yes, mother!" I smile and slide my hand between the blanket and Mason. "It wasn't all at once."

"And you idiots didn't use a condom?" She argues. "I'd recommend getting the morning-after pill."

I look down at my phone. "Six missed calls from my mom?" I state and quickly slide the charger off it. "Damn! Why?"

Mason looks at me with a look of concern. Ava steps closer to me and even Brayden looks a bit nervous. I shake my head and smile. "Probably just dad gearing up for his surgery and wanted to talk to me."

The phone rings as I turn on the loudspeaker. I look around the room at the three of them. They all look as curious as I feel. The phone rings again. "Six calls are a lot," Ava admits and sits on the bed next to me and Mason.

It goes to voicemail, forcing me to start to wonder and become nervous. "I'm sure it's nothing!" I say, reassuring myself my mother and father are fine.

"Yeah!" Mason agrees, sliding his hand gently down my arm. "She was probably just wanting you to talk to him before the surgery. Most parents want to hear from their kids before they go in for surgery.

I call the phone again. It rings and my stomach begins to twist, knowing something is wrong. But I'm still denying it. There's no way that anything can be wrong. I don't believe it! "Maybe she's outside in her garden," I add, looking at Mason.

The phone rings and finally, there's the sound of someone answering it. "Hello?" I say in a friendly tone. "Mom? Are you there?"

"Maddy?" Mom's voice says, sounding off and almost dark. "Baby girl."

"Mom?" I question, growing anxious and confused. "What's wrong? Why are you calling me that?"

"It's your father, Maddy." She softly says, her tone getting quieter. "Here Jack, take the phone! I can't talk!"

"Madison?" My uncle Jack's voice calls out. "Hey, sweetheart! I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this."

"Tell me what. Uncle Jack?" I yell, sitting up as my heart begins to race. "What do you need to tell me!"

"Your father peacefully passed away in his sleep last night." 

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