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"Couldn't we just order the food from where we were sitting?" I question as we step down the stairs, trying to through the people.

"I don't know." He softly admits, almost inaudible. "I just needed to get away from Aubrey."

"Oh!" I say, sounding surprised but what I've learned of Mason, it's not surprising. "I thought her name was..." I pause realizing I don't even remember what Ava said. "Something else."

"No, it's Aubrey, at least for tonight, maybe someone else tomorrow."

I can't take it anymore. He's so depressing yet mysterious and at the same time, seems lonely. "Why do you push through so many girls? What's your deal?" I blurt out while trying to hold it back.

"I don't believe in love. Or better yet, it's not that I don't believe it, but I have yet to find it. And I feel like what's the point of trying?"

"There are a lot of reasons to try!" I argue as we step into the giant open area, which looks like a mall in ways. "People get married for reasons."

"People get married because they are bored and want to show off the person they are with." He scoffs and rolls his eyes as we near the food stand. "It's possible that I could very well fall in love and marry someone, but where my stance is right now, it's highly doubtful."

"And how do you feel about me?" I blurted it out, not meaning to, but remembering what Ava and Brayden said.

Mason's eyes widen, his jaw tenses up and he steps forward, trying to not look at me. "What about you?" He softly asks, his tone drastically changing to a more innocent-sounding tone. "I..." He pauses, acknowledging the people who are in line. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do, Mason. Or at least that's what I've figured out in my head." I say, not wanting to throw Ava and Brayden under the bus.

He rolls his eyes and leans on his left leg more than his right, shaking his head and almost acting like a child. "Stop coming up with assumptions that there is something there."

"Why? Because there is?" I spit out like word vomit, knowing it's only going to piss him off. "Is there something you feel, Mason?"

"I'll get the food myself." His jaw tenses again and his eyes pierce at the people in front of us. "If this line ever hurries the fuck up!"

"Mason!" I quickly and quietly scolded him like a mother would to her child. "Don't! Don't be that guy!"

"But I am 'that guy', Madison!" He yells louder, starting to cause a scene in front of the line of people. "So, stop trying to make me someone else!"

"Mason, I'm sorry. Just...let's get the food. I'll shut up. I never should have said a word."

"Exactly!" He scoffs as we step up to the counter. "You shouldn't put your opinion where it doesn't count. Why would you do that anyway? My life is none of your business. Five burgers with fries and beers!"

"What kind of beers sir?" The waiter asks.

"Whatever kind you get me. I don't care. Just five beers!"

"Mason!" I yell, growing angry but uncertain at the same time. "Just because we are fighting does not mean you have to be rude to him!"

"You're right." He admits shaking his head, his eyes narrowing as he looks at the waiter and his tone lowering. "I apologize Jimmy."

"It's okay, Mason." The waiter smiles, sliding the tray of food and beers to us. "And this is on the house tonight. You did all the cooks a service that night for helping out. John already told me just to give this to you."

"Thank you, brother!" Mason says, sliding the tray and twisting around. "It looks like I didn't need your help, after all, Madison."

"It doesn't have to be like this," I say and follow behind him. "If you're going to be mad at me, then fine, but don't act like a child."

"A child?" He roars and scoffs a loud laugh, walking faster while trying to balance the stupidly large tray. "You've got to be kidding me right now."

"Well!" I argue as we both turn to the stairs; he begins walking up them faster than he should with that tray in his hands. "You are."

"You just said you don't want to fight, Madison! And here you are trying to start a fight with me! You've got to be kidding me!"

He stops, allowing two people to walk around us. I smile and nod as he begins walking forward again, quickly reaching our seats. "Here's everyone's food. I have things to go do!"

"Oh my god!" I scoff and look at Ava and her surprised reaction. "Really?"

"Yes, really!" He scoffs as a wide mouthed smile forms on his face. "You've pissed me off. And when I get pissed off, what happens..." He pauses and looks back at the blonde girl, whatever her name is.

"He doesn't like getting pissed off." she adds, standing up. "Do you want me to come with, Mason?"

"No!" He yells and begins walking away from us. "Just...forget it!"

I look back at Ava and Brayden with wide eyes and an annoyed feeling inside of me. "This is stupidly childish!" I scoff.

"Go after him, Madison." Ava urges.

"Why?" I shake my head. "I find it pointless. He's a lost cause. He's a child!"

"Just do it!" Brayden also urges. "Be his friend. He might be acting childish but it's starting to seem like you're the only one who can calm him down. Go get him."

I inhaled a heavy breath and looked back at him rushing out of the stadium. "Ugh! Damn it!"

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