My Holy

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My heart has been filled. Mason admitted that he's in love with me and I honestly don't know how to handle it. It's an amazing feeling and every part of me feels on fire in the best way possible. He's my gasoline and it's a large flame! We do need to be open with each other this time so we don't end up like last time.

I guess that's a risk I must take, being in a relationship and having someone as mentally twisted as him, but in a good way. His mind is only controlled by his emotions when I am around him and no one else. Our time apart proved that very well. His admitting how in love he is with me only sealed that thought to a good thought.

There is a small part of me that wonders if getting back with him will turn into a toxic relationship we cannot control or if it will make us stronger and better than before. But that's part of any relationship. I'm allowing myself to be in that situation and I should expect the unexpected.

"You what!" Brayden gawks. "You two what! Mason Pembrook is in love?"

"I'm trying to process this!" Ava says the blank and confused expression on her face only grows as she sits down on the couch. "You two were growing toxic for each other. But then you two couldn't live your lives without each other. You two...wait...Mason admitted he's in love with you Madison?"

"Yes!" I nod and say with the most joyous feeling rushing through my body. "Mason and I are madly in love, and we wanted to obviously let all of you know right away."

"Bro!" John gasps looking at us with a shocked stare. "I'm so sorry for trying to get on your girl. If I knew you of all people were in love, man I never would have even joked about it. No wonder! I'm so sorry bro!"

"It's fine, John!" Mason smiles an evil smile and looks back at him. "I got what I wanted."

"Ass!" I scoff playfully and slap his shoulder. "And yeah, Ava. We are happy. And you can't get upset! I begged you to take me home today and instead, you didn't want to. Are you happy now?"

"Hey, if you're happy, I am happy." She says with a happy smile, leaning on Brayden's arm. "You've been a miserable pain in my ass since you two split up. And now I don't have to hear your complaining. 'Oh, my life is miserable! Oh, if only I had Mason by my side!' It was getting old."

"I did not sound like that!" I argue, wanting to laugh because she's partly right. "It was far from that! What even was that?"

"I'm just saying!" She smiles and turns her attention to Mason. "She's loved you since you two split up and she's been a miserable mess."

"So has Mason!" Brayden admits pointing his finger at Mason knowing he's calling him out. "That boy cried so damn hard..."

"Brayden!" Mason yells. "Don't lie to them!"

"Am I lying? You're lying, ass! Because the last time I checked, you were balled up like a little baby crying yourself to bed."

"I think that's hot that a man can cry over a girl," I admit while looking at Mason and beginning to chew on my bottom lip. "A man having feelings and showing them is poetic. And I love all things poetic."

"You're just sticking up for your man," John says, interrupting us.

"Maybe," I say and stare at Mason like he's my entire universe and I'm starting to think he is. "But either way." I continue. "He's mine, I'm his and no one will ever take the two of us away from each other ever again, at least not alive."

"Damn! That's a strong statement!" Brayden adds.

"Yeah, babes!" Ava adds, her eyes moving between me and Mason. "I'm happy for the two of you but saying 'not alive' is a little extreme."

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