How you meet

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y/n's pov

Draco Malfoy

I was walking down the slythering compartments- still annoyed at my little 'meeting' with potter. If you could even call it that. In my opinion; Harry's just a bit too full of himslelf. Even if you did have a shitty childhood it doesn't mean you and ginger pubes can attack me just because I asked where my brother mattheo was. Chill your beans love at least you had relatives- me and my twin mattheo had to live in an orphanage where we had to survive instead of live. Where those 'matrons' hit us untill we get a concussion, even little toddlers. We didn't get any food. Just porridge and milk for breakfast IF we're lucky. If we're not then it's skanky London tap water. Shoving my encounter aside I decided not to let that spoil what was meant to be a good and exciting day. sighing I spot an empty compartment and walk in to see some platinum blonde kid who was dressed in designer with designer suitcases.

"who do you think you are barging into MY compartment! you filthy mudblud." he spat. Jesus some people forgot to take their anti-depressants. I thought as I plonked myself down.


"what?" he scoffed.

"I'm a pureblood. A common misconception people make because of my raggy clothes. I'm y/n. y/n Riddle.

"A riddle?" he gasped his whole demeanour changing

"The one and only."

"I-I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy" he said, visibly gulping. 

"Nice too meet you! Draco. Draco Malfoy." I giggle as he smiles wide. A comfertable silence enveloped the compartment untill I asked the question that I'm sure everyone wanted to know the second the met him.

"Do you bleach your hair?"

Pheww this first one's out the way! I hope you enjoyed it!! comment any requests or ideas you may have! 

Over and out

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