One bed-T.N

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Requested by @jmarie1324

I was so excited. Me and all my friends (except dumb theodore nott) were at this beautiful hotel in Turkey. I love Turkey and my main goal was to get as much fakes as I possibly could- not because I can't afford it (I'm a Malfoy lets be for real) but because I can buy it dirt cheap here and sell it for three or even four times that amount to dumb first years. Thats what everyone always does.

"Hiya! We booked 4 rooms?" I say politely to the lady at reception

"Name please?"

"Aurora Malfoy."

"Hmmm no I see only 3 rooms, sorry" she said in stilted English

"Um 3? No I booked 4, I'm sure." I say panickcing a bit

"Nope. 3. sorry miss, I hope you enjoy stay in Turkey." she said passing me the keys to the rooms. Bloody great. "Guys... theres only 3 rooms sorry." I say

"Ok its whatever, I'll go with Mattheo and and Berkshire, the girls will go together and you and theo nott can share the other room bye!" my brother Draco said snatching the keys before I could protest and sprinting off. I knew he'd do something like that. Me and Theo used to be good friends... before he burnt my favourite teddy down due to his stupid ciggarrete. Since then things were awkward and stilted. "Fucking great" I moan. The holiday didn't even start yet and I already want to leave.

"Come on, I'm not that bad!" he said sarcastically

"If you dare smoke in the room I will fucking dicapitate you" I snarl as an answer and walk to the lift, quickly pressing the button as the door slammed shut in front of his cute face. wait... cute?! the fuck?! This heat is taking a toll on me.

As I walk into my room I already notice Theo there. Dude, despie this man smoking too much nicotine- he's even faster than a lift. In 30 degree heat. This man is fit. The second thing that I noticed was him grinning. Finally I noticed the actual room... and the one bed.

"Oh for fucks sake!" I shout. this holiday was meant to be bloody relaxing! Taking deep breathes I decided to resolve the matter in the morning, but right now it's 1 a.m, I'm tired and minda jetlagged. The massive cockroaches outside did not help matters.

"I'm taking a shower." I say and barge past him, purposfully knocking into him although it did no damage.


I was in my pj's (a vest and shorts) as it was bloody boiling even with the air con on. I walk out of the bathroom and see Theo on the armchair- in shorts and nothing else. Thats when I properly noticed his muscular body, his firm biceps and beautiful six pack.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he smirked. I noticed a pillow on the armchair and realised he's giving me the bed

"I'm going to bed." I say firmly and climb into the thin covers, trying to ignore the niggling sensation of guilt. 

20 minutes later and I had enough. Sighing deeply I get up and walk over to the armchair hosting theo. I shake him awake.#

"Get into bed." I whisper

"It's ok rory, if you feel uncomfertable I'll sleep outside the hotel floor if you'd want me to" he said shrugging. I was completely taken aback.

"Well I want you to get into bed. I'll be fine. You won't. Come." I say dragging him by his hand

As we lay there I felt two hands wrap around my body.

"Thanks aurora. Just know that even though you may hate or heavily dislike me, I only feel a certain likeness to you. Good night." and with those beautiful words I turn around and kiss him suprising us both.

"I like you too. Mr honey though still doesn't" I say giggling as we both lay there entwined.

Ok this one was kinda rushed and not the best. I was thinking of maybe smut or something like that. Tell me if you'd like to see smut in my work. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for the constant support!! love you's xx

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