Not there- D.M

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A/n: just something that has been saved in my drafts for a while now xx

"And then I told her to shut her raggedy ass up because you're intoxicating me with the shit you've been feeding off in the dumpster" I said laughing with Draco who was as always, sitting next to me in the astronomy tower.

"You're evil" he said, laughing.

Suddenly the air got thick with tension

"You know... you have a lot of friends" he gently said 

"So do you." I say heart thumping.

"No, not anymore... darling... the care about you" he gently carried on.

"Yes-yes but-" 

"Rory, I love you and my love for you makes me return to you.. but it's not right"

"No! No Draco! Stop it" I say raising my voice. I could feel my pulse beat through me like a bass beat, shaking me up. Not again, not again, not again...

"Aurora! Finally I found you! You weren't answering my calls" my brother mattheo exclaimed, startling me.

"Mattheo!" I said angrily "not now I'm busy!" He gave me a small, sorry look.

"Rory... Draco isn't really here you know..."

I stand stock still, m blood wasnpuksating around my body so hard I could hear it.

"B-but Draco was right here! He-" 

My heart sunk

"Aurora... Draco is dead. I miss him too, so much, come one let's go..."

But I can't move. I can't do anything...

He's not there...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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