Two sides- T.R

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Sorry for not posting much!! Hope you like this one xx

Tom Riddle was harsh, cold and calculating. He knew of no love or respect. He demands respect for himself but never returns it. He's a phsycopath.

All of this you'll hear on a daily basis if you so much as mutter the word Tom Riddle. All of this would of been said in a faint whisper so that he doesn't over hear. What they don't know is how he is in private.

"Tommy you're going to crush me if you cuddle me any tighter" I gasp

"Don't call me that." he muttered half-heartedly

"Tom... I can barely breathe- stop trying to kill me" I gasp again. Suddenly, I felt two hands on my back and a harsh shove that nearly made me fall out of bed. "Jesus Tom! Who pissed in your Cheerios then?" I say

"If you don't like the cuddles, or whatever you mud bloods call it, then so be it" he said turning to the other side

"Babyy, I didn't mean it like that, don't be so difficult I love your cuddles but I nearly died Tom, I don't think you know how strong you are" I say, trying to reason with him as I play with his hair "Please Tommy, turn around" I whine

"Your not a little kid." his harsh voice scoffed

"Neither are you. Stop having a tantrum"

Silence was the answer. Fine then. Pissed off and feeling bad I turn to the side and within second I feel two strong arms wrap around me again.

"Tommy!" I squeal turning round to face him as I cuddle him back

"Shut up. I don't know why I'm doing this. I think I'm under a spell. Don't you dare tell anyone about this" he said

"I think my Tommy has two sides of his baddie persona" I giggle

"I can always turn around again" he threatened

"I love you."

"I know." That is the most I'll get out of him so I contently close my eyes to dose of

"I love you too." he muttered quickly so that I barely heard him. I sqeezed him even tighter as I drift off to a much wanted sleep.

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