Leaving me- D.M

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Before I carry on... how the fuck are we already over 11k reader?! I'm sorry but 24 hours ago it was 10k... now 11?! So gratefull 😪😩🤭 xx

"Shit.. that was great" Draco breathed out, as we lay side by side in my dorm. The room smelt of sex, our chests heaving up and down as we try to get our breathes back. I was too exhausted to speak, so I turned and smiled instead. Now.. here'e coming the important bit...

"Well, doll, I fucking loved that but I need to go now" he stated getting up. My face contorted in disappointment. Never mind then.

"Go where" I scoff. I didn't mean for it to sound like that but it was getting tiring. He said that I'm his, he asked me if I can be his and I agreed. He can at least spend the night with me after he fucked me. He chuckled at my tone 

"Back to my dorm" he said, as if it's obvious

"Stay?.." I asked. I hated saying that. Why should I beg someone to stay?

"Mhm.." he mumbled but he was already out of the room. I was horrified to see tears falling. I sit up straight, angrily rubbing them away. This is always how it ends. By him turning his back, leaving me in tears whilst he goes do who knows what. But the stupid thing is that I let him. I let him treat me like that. And it needs to stop. This time for real.


I was walking along the corridors when someone bumped shoulders with me

"Mattheo!" I exclaim "Hi!" Mattheo is my twin brothers best friend. I'd like to think he's my best mate too, I mean I've known him since pre-hogwarts.

"Hello, yourself!" he replied in a posh voice, knowing it makes me giggle "How are you?" he asked suddenly serious. I thought about lying and saying I'm fine but this man reads minds... and expressions.

"Not the best I could've been" I sigh

"Draco?" he asked sympathetically. I blink at him in shock. How the fuck did he know?

"Uhh yeah." I reply, stopping outside my classroom

"Lets take your mind of him. Me and you haven't been to Hogsmeade in agesss. I'd invite your brother but that mothers cunt is in detention after school. For calling Astoria a disappointment to society because she... likes pineapple on pizza" he whispered in an exaggerated tone. I laugh at that. Theodore was more of an Italian than me and would certainly attack if someone said something about the Italian culture. 

"Right. I'm not surprised" I laugh 

"I'll wait for you after your last lesson, then you can change and do whatever girls need to do and we'll go. That a plan?" he asked 

"Definitely!" He gives me a hug and at that moment I felt so wanted... so loved... something I haven't felt since going out with Draco. If you could even call it that. But me and Mattheo were totally platonic. No strings attached. He rubbed my back as I breathe in his scent of... my childhood. He was over at our house so much that he smelt of home, wich I loved. 

"You'll be ok" he whispered "You and Draco will sort it out and if you don't... then Draco will have some busted kneecaps. And I'll tell the whole world about his bleach" he said pulling away.

"I'm counting on it" I laugh

"Bye, Red!" he says as he walks away. He calls me red from that time that me, Theo and Mattheo had a sleepover and decided to paint Theo's room red but I spilt the paint and ended up looking like that red angry bird

"Bye!" I chuckle as I watch him walk away. Still smiling I turn around and come face to face with Malfoy. The smile instantly vanished, the good mood gone. Thats not the way that it should be I thought. I take a deep breathe, trying to act chill.

"Excuse me Draco, I need to get to class" I mumble trying to walk past. He grabbed my arm and walked away shoving me into some cupboard "Um hello?! Are you fucking ok?!" I yell. He just sneers 

"So you and Riddle, huh?" I sigh deeply trying to contain my anger

"Draco, you know this, he's my best friend" 

"Best friend? I never knew we fuck our best friends now" he scoffed. Is this boy fucking serious?! He actually has the audacity to be jealous. That was my last straw 

"You know what, Draco fucking malfoy?! I'm fucking done with your shit. You fuck me then you disappear, You flirt with girls right in front of my very eyes and act like you're single. Maybe you fucking are, I don't know anymore! You're a piece of toxic shit! I was literally just talking with my best friend and you're dragging me and spitting on me! I don't need that. I just want to feel respect towards me! I think you need to rethink some things Malfoy because you're not ready." I say and it feels a relief to get stuff of my chest. I turn on my heal and walk out, leaving a red Draco behind.

I'm too lazy to cary this on tbh i'm overloaded with studying and homework but i can do a part 2? Up to you guys and thank you xx

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