what is love?

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decided to do an angst/ sad imagine of our fave mattheo riddle lol hope you enjoy!

It was a normal day. just... average. You woke up usual time, went on your phone, checked socials, had a shower, got dressed, done your routine, checked your homework is all done... that sort of jazz, nothing out of the ordinary and yet... something was odd. Not that you payed any attention to it whatsoever you just knew that something will happen... you didn't know why you thought that, you couldn't explain it. Maybe it was because you had potions today, maybe because your period is due, you didn't know and to be honest you didn't care. There was no point dwelling on something that probably won't happen. Or even if something did- it would probably be something pathetic like getting into a fight or getting detention... whatever.

You walked out of your dorm and checked the time; 08:45. You had 15 minutes to shove something down your throat before rushing off to lesson. Quickening your pace you enter the great hall and go to join all your friends by the slythering table. "round of applause... y/n nott came down for breakfast with 10 minutes to spare!! not 2, not 1, but 10! congratulations!!" Enzo's loud voice boomed. "Enzo, have you ever wondered that maybe I don't come down to breakfast so as not to hear your loud as fuck voice? no? oh well, now you should!" you reply with a small smile at your best friend for may I add 15 years whilst gulping down a cup of orange juice. Just as Enzo was about to reply you suddenly realised something was wrong... something was missing... or more specifically: someone. Mattheo. He would always be by  your side laughing with you or making jokes. Now, he was no where around. You were about to shrug it off as him sleeping in or in yet another morning detention or traumatising first years by giving them empty vapes if not the loud voice that followed your train of thoughts. 

"MATTHEOOOO YOU CAN'T SAY THATTTT SHE'S YOUR GIRLFRIENDDDD" some loud, shrill voice screamed making you and the people around you wince. You were confused. You tried to find who screamed and what you saw shocked you to the core. It felt like someone spilt ice cold water over you. Your heart dropped a bajillion miles. It was your boyfriend... sitting with his ex. Now, you weren't a jealous girlfriend, a girlfriend who controls her boyfriends every move, but seeing your boyfriend with his ex on his lap whilst whispering things into her ear making her blush and giggle - talking about you. You abruptly stood up. "Tell the teachers I'm sick. Tell them... I... I..." you couldn't concentrate on what you were saying as you kept looking at whats going on in front of you. Your friends of course noticed and Pansy gently nudged you "I'll tell them you have a bad case of flu shall I? It's been spreading around the school. Go to your dorm lovely. Me, Enzo, Draco and the rest will be with you as soon as we can Ok? Don't do anything stupid, alright darling? It'll be ok. Don't you worry. We'll give you space for now but we'll be with you shortly. Does that sound Ok?" she whispered.

You look at Pansy in tears 

"Thank you pans. Thank you so much." you said hoarsly. And with that you sped walked out. At this precise moment Mattheo noticed you. He though you slept in again and he quickly realised that you saw and heard everything. Feeling like the shittiest person ever he threw astoria off his lap and ran after you. "Y/N WAIT! I BEG WAIT!" he shouted after you. You suddenly stopped and turned around "In the 6 months we've been dating I fell 100% in love with you. It's so scary you can't even imagine. But your not ready. This has all been a game for you. Your a heartbreaker by nature. You don't need me. You need to figure out what the fuck you want. I'm done with you. You may think I'm over reacting and maybe I am. But this isn't the first time you pulled some stupid shit like that. Flirting with your exes, inviting girls to hang out with you. I don't feel comfterable in this relationship. I don't feel comfertable telling you things because I feel like you'll go and spread them. Like you just did. This happens all the time; you'll follow me, we argue, we scream, we break things, we fuck, you give me flowers, I forgive you and on and on the cycle goes! I had enough! sort yourself out and stop wasting my time and breaking my heart more and more!" you shout exasperated, getting louder by each sentence as you walk away trying not to let your legs give way. 

Soooo.... what do you think? I'm not sure if there will be a part 2 of this I just need to think of it first lol. have a nice day/night

over and out

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