you hit them part 2

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Dude I swear this chapter is the hardest one like how am I meant to imagine hitting Enzo pookie bear or Tom? I'll get killed within seconds 😭😁 but I'll try my best because I owe it to you guys xx


I was on my period and felt very violent. I felt angry and wanted to take it out on someone. That someone was my boyfriend Enzo. I saw him with a bunch of girls who were flirting with him and my delulu, period self thought that Enzo's going to leave me for them. Deep down, I knew he would never ever do that but try explaining that to a woman on her period with mood swings.

"Hey sweetheart" Enzo's cheerful voice made me even madder than before. I have no clue why.


"Are you ok darling?" he asked, his worried, innocent eyes making me want to puke. What is wrong with me?!

"oh it's nothing you know, just my boyfriend FLIRTING WITH OTHER GIRLS AGAIN" I screamed. He stepped back, clearly taken aback

"No, sweetheart you know I only have eyes for you. Your the one I want. Your the one I need. I love you not them." his sweet voice informed me. Instead of taking it and forgetting about it like any other girl I decided to slap him. His gasp made me realise what the fuck I just done. 

"Enzo" I whispered. "I'm so so-" I couldn't finish the sentence as he just scoffed and walked out. Tears fell down my face as I realise at what I done. I just hit the person I love most in this whole fucking world. I am so fucked up. The hurt was clearly there. The damage has been done. I acted just like his mother when I promised myself that I would never hit someone -especially my boyfriend- ever. And what have I just done. I wanted to dissapear at that moment. I hurt the most sweetest, innocent, loving boy in the world. 

Bro this was so hard to write like my character is such a bitch in this like who in their right, sane mind hit a sweetheart like Enzo

Draco Malfoy

"Draco stop giving me gifts!" I yell. "I appreciate them but money isn't going to solve all your problems you know!" I say firmly. The thing is, me and Draco had an argument yesterday. I couldn't even remember about what. I think it was him bullying the trio again and I just told him to stop being so petty. Well, obviously he did not take that well and started arguing and calling me names. I didn't like him bullying Hermoine just because of her blood status. It's a petty thing to do especially as I'm muggle born aswell even if I am in slythering. How does you 'blood status' define who you are? Well obviously, instead of apologising Draco went into gas lighting, bitchy, rude mode and decided that an expensive gift is going to make me forgive him and everything is great again. Before, I would do exactly that. Now, I realised, it's unfair and toxic behavior.

"But it's the bracelet that you wanted!" he whined

"I know. I appreciate it alot. I really do, but an expensive bracelet isn't going to take back all the shit you said is it? It's not going to take away the vile words that you not only said to someone who didn't do anything to deserve it, but you said it to me as well. I'm not going to let you off the hook like that. You need to understand that expensive presents isn't a way to say sorry. To be honest, I don't think you even know how" I scoff, trying to keep my cool. Be responsible.

"Well, Pansy liked it. But I guess you mudbloods don't appreciate when people spend money on them" he spat. I reeled back from the remark. Blinking at him in shock. He looked at me with wide eyes. Not only did he compare me to his ex that still likes him and he knows I feel insecure about, but he called me that horrible slur. I slowly walked up to him, trying to blink the tears away. I grabbed the bracelet out of his hands and threw it down the stairs. "Give it to her then, if she thinks her dignity is worth some random 4 figure bracelet then good for her. Go back to her." and with that I slap him round the face and push him out the door. The last thing I see before I slam the door, is the red mark clearly visible on one side of his pale face. I thought I saw tears but it was probably because he's upset I won't fuck him as a 'thank you' for the gift.

Tom Riddle

Lets be for real if we slap Tom we better be getting on our knees and getting ready to meet your God but in this case he'll spare our life lmao

"Tom, I'm talking to you" I sigh. Tom was sitting at his desk studying but I really needed help and decided to aske him. As an answer, I got silence. To be honest I had enough of him ignoring me all the time. He's meant to be my boyfriend but he only goes to me if he need help with his 'plans' or if he's stressed and needs a fuck. Thats not the way I want myself to be treated. I mean, I knew Tom was cold and harsh but come one at this point this is basic respect. "TOM" I raise my voice. He sighed a deep, reluctant sigh that made shivers go down my spine.

"Y/n. You're not thick. Figure it out yourself and stop giving me all this earcahe."

"Tom, please! If I don't do this essay my grade will drop 50%!! But I really don't understand, you know how harsh my parents are about this. They'll bloody disown me! Please Tom, you're meant to be my boyfriend!" I say the frustration and anger bubbling inside me, threatening to erupt.

"Sometimes I wish to God you weren't" he muttered. I don't think I was meant to hear that. But I did. I gasp and raise my hand but withing a milisecond I felt a harsh grip on my wrist. 

"You slap me, you'll be dead." he growled. I choke back my sob. Why did he have to be like this? I show him love and all I get in return is threats.

"Fine then. We're done Tom Riddle." and with tears streaming down my face I leave the library, aware of the stares from nosy people who were silently working.

Thats all the boys done I think. Now part 3/4 will be like the aftermath of the slap/ argument, thanks for voting by the way xx

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