sweetheart- E.B

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Just a sweet, cute, small imagine for our lovely sweetheart- Lorenzo Berkshire. Hope you enjoy!! xoxo

I was just sitting with Pansy- my bestfriend, slagging everyone off because... well because we're bitches. Anyways, we were just sitting there and then I notice Pansy randomly started acting different. She was fiddling with her hair and urgently opened her little compact mirror to check herself out. Confused as to why she randomly started acting like that, I look into her line of sight ( wich was behind me ) and craned my neck to see what got my best friend flustered like that. Turning back I saw Lorenzo Berkshire- the schools sweetheart- walking towards us

Enzo's the most beautiful boy in slythering. No, fuck that, in the whole of Hogwarts. Standing confidently at 6"0 with the most luscious brunnette locks and the biggest, brown eyes that I can stare at for hours and never get bored. How could I? His long, veiny hands were always on display as his shirt sleeve were always rolled up. Aside from his looks he is the nicest person to ever set foot on planet earth. Always volunteering to help, always there for his friends and would never walk past someone who needs help. no matter how big or small the problem. Although he was very popular with the ladies. A new date every week. That's our Enzo

"Hello ladies" Enzo says cheerfully (as always) snapping me out from my daydream. Me and Enzo were on polite-smile-and-nod terms with each other. Never speaking more than a small handfull of words that you'd expect any two people speak.

"Hey enzooo" Pansy swooned as I rolled my eyes.

"Hi berkshire, you alright?" I ask politely.

"Just fine thanks" he smiled looking into my soul with them mesmerising eyes. a small pause took over the library where we were sitting.



"I was just... wondering... wether me and you could you know... get to um know each other better? maybe go to hogsmeade or um anywhere you want... maybe as a date?" he bashfully asked, blushing like mad. I was so flabbergasted I couldn't speak. But I quickly regained my composure.

"Sure. when your mate's make it less obvious that I'm a bet." I say glancing behind his back as Draco Malfoy, Mattheo Riddle and Blaise Zabbini all stood leaning against the wall. Mattheo clutching some money in his hand. Enzo quickly spun round and death stared the boys.

"No! It's-we're... we're not betting I swear! Well... we are but it's them betting against me... they think you'll reject me but- but I couldn't bear that. I liked you for ages and ages y/n!" he spluttered out, clearly anxious.

"Look, Enzo... I don't know. This is all too suspicious. Say that you did really like me and theres no horrible intentions. Why me out of hundreds of girls you ask out on dates? Whats so great about me that makes me stand out then?" I ask perplexed. Pansy was staring at me as if I'd gone of my rocker. Rejecting the schools most popular boy? i guess it is quite surprising and it probably doesn't help Pansy's confusion of the fact that I am in love with this boy. But I guess no one wants to get played.

"I don't really know. You're just... different. Your smile shines brighter than the rest, your hair swishes more energetically, you walk more confidently than the others, you're nice and smart and caring and it's obvious you actually give a shit and it's not some fake facade. and if it is... then you're a very good actor. And as to your other question... let me ask you one. Have you ever seen me asking a girl out?" he asked. This question shocked me for a second but as i was about to reply I realised something. I never saw him or heard that he was the one to make a first move. Not once. Although I always assumed he did. He went on hundreds of dates with girls but it was always them asking him out.

"No." I whisper.

"Exactly. I only ask a girl out if i genuanlly care about her. In fact your the first girl I officially asked. Because I actually want to spend my time with someone like you. Of course, if you don't want to that's completely fine, no worries at all. I know this all sounds bizarre and-" I abruptly cut him off making up my decision.

"Enzo... I'm free on Saturday. Will that be good?" I ask smiling at his nervous chatter.

"Y-yes! Of course! Is 7 o'clock fine? I know a nice french restaurant near hogsmeade." he said smiling from ear to ear.

"No worries! 7 is perfect thank you."

"Great! I won't let you down y/n y/l/n. I promise." He said blushing, kissing my hand and walking away to his mates who all cheered.

Damn... I fell even harder.

I really hope you liked this one! It took me too many tries to make this as good (or bad) as it is now. Comment what you think

Over and out. xoxo

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