T.N- fight

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Hope you enjoy this one! If you have any requests please message me as I feel like I'm running out of ideas, love you's and thanks for the support-it's unreal

My boyfriend was popular. Like very popular, especially with the ladies. Which lets be for real- really pisses me off. I hear girls talk about my boyfriend all the time, I hear them say stuff about our relationship, I hear them fan girling- basically I hear everything. I didn't mind too much as long as they didn't try anything. Which most of them didn't becuase they know the consequences and also because some have no intentions of home wrecking.

"Ughh he's sooo fine" some voice drifted through the common room as I quitely sat on the sofa, listening to music and just hanging on my phone waiting for my italian boyfriend to hurry up with his dumb detention for purposefully blowing up Hermoine's potion because he got annoyed at her pronouncing italian words wrong... and for saying she snaps her spagghetti in half before putting them in the sausepan. Ignoring the voice, I carry on listing through insta minding my own buisness.

"And heres the little girlfriend" some girl sneered. I look up with a frown

"Daphne fucking green arse" I scoff "What a pleasure." I roll my eyes sarcastiacally. Fact is; I'm too tired for any shit today, my day wasn't the best. I went to bed at around 3 in the morning and woke up at 6 because of nightmares, I was body shamed at breakfast and got screamed at by Snape, Umbridge had a go at me, Harry had a go at me and I nearly fell off my broom in flying. All of this with 3 hours of slepp under my belt. so my patience was between non existent to non existent.

"Awhh no need to get all feisty y/l/n. Whats the prob? Theo finally deciding to ditch your sorry arse? I wouldn't be surprised to be honest. He needs someone to match his vibe... like me. No offense of course but you don't really bother to look nice do you?" she lectured in her patronising voice. 

"I swear on my dogs life if you say one more word, I'll make sure you'll never open your slutty mouth again." I growl

"Um excuse me. Don't call me slutty. you're the one always flirting with potter and whats with you and berkshire? You guys are kinda-" she instantly shut her mouth. Not after I punched her straight in the face and got on top of her. "CAN. YOU. JUST. FUCK. OFF. YOU.DUMB.WHORE" I shout throwing punch after punch.  Obviously within seconds a whole gang of people formed, egging on the fight.

"Hey hey hey what the fuck is going on here?" a familiar voice said. I didn't pay attention and just carried on punching and hair pulling untill I felt two strong, veiny hand grab me from behind and drag me off "You'll kill her love, calm down" the familiar, soft, deep voice said- belonging to my boyfriend who was staring at me with pure amusment. "GOOD" i scream and walk off to my dorm exasperated.

"hey baby I'm sorry" my boyfriend said bounding up the stairs close behind me. I don't reply and just walk into my dorm and sit on bed too exhausted to move. Theo walked into my bathroom and got some anticeptic cream and bandages for my knuckles which were all bloody. He gently knelt infront of me and rubbed on my knuckles in silent understanding. After 5 minutes he pulled off his hoody and wrapped it around me laying me down onto the bed. 

"Sleep tight sweetheart I love you. Never been so proud in my life" and before I knew it my eyes were getting heavier and I instantly started dreaming.

also i know the song doesn't rlly fit the story but whatevs go with the flow

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