New girl-D.M

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I was hanging out with Draco by the tree where he famously got turned into a feret, when some girl, a pretty girl may I add, comes up to us

"Hey! I'm Lily Smith, I'm new here and have no clue where everything is and your the only slytherins I noticed... would it be ok if you show me round?" she asks, batting her eyelashes at MY boyfriend.

"Sure! I'm Draco Malfoy by the way. Here let me give you a tour" he said instantly standing up. I was waiting for him to maybe invite me to come along or at least introduce me or something but nope.

"uhhh Dray?" I ask trying to get his attention

"Hmm? Oh Aurora... she's new she has no clue where to go just... stay here or wherever I'll be there soon" he says reluctantly- as if only just remembering I'm here too.


"Aurora it's not a big deal. Just 1 hour stop being clingy" he hissed "sorry about that, here this is the courtyard and over there is the..." I watched him drone on completely and utterly transfixed on this Lily. I was horrified when I noticed tears springing up. The fuck just happened???


1 hour passed...

2 hours passed...

now 3....

And still no Draco. I was overthinking and worrying what they might be doing for 3 hours straight. Plus we have a party in an hour and a half and he always gets ready with me. I'm not trying to sound like that protective girlfriend but he said... nevermind. I stood up and decided to go look for them. Look for him. Just to reassure myself that everythings ok. 

His hoodie. His hoodie on her. i checked everwhere untill I stepped out onto the courtyard and saw them two. Sitting in our spot with HIS hoodie on her. I scoffed and he looked up 

"Aurora... it's just a piece of cloth. Don't overreact. She doesn't have any friends yet. I'll see you at the party." he said dissmisvely. Wow. He did not. Fuck it, I thought. I walked off to get ready

Timeskip because I'm lazy duhhh

Outfit ready and heels on I was ready. I'm gonna fucking show Malfoy and dumb bitch Smith that I dont give a singe fuck.

Walking down the stairs, I instantly stop when I see Lily and Draco sitting on the sofa, having a good time and messing about. Taking a deep breath I walk past them with my head held high, looking like I have no care in the world. Only I do care. I care alot.

"Hello sexy." some husky voice says from behind me. I spin around to look at the person who had the audacity to hit on me

"Adrian?" Adrian and me used to date a year ago. Wasn't my most healthy relationship. Ended quite badly

"The one and only."

"ummm can you back up a bit?" I mumble as I start to walk away. Well today is going great then isn't it. And I also realised I forgot my drink on the little table. Turning back around I look suspiciously around me to see if anyone maybe spiked my drink. Since I was only gone for less than 10 seconds and no one was around my drink I decided to drink it. I waited for a few minutes to see any side effects ( dumbest thing ever like my character seems so dumb) and after some time of feeling nothing I decided to try and enjoy myself to xxtentacions revenge that was playing right now. 

Dancing like it's the last day of earth I was finally getting some relief in all this shithole. That was, untill I suddenly started getting dizzy, barely being able to see- it was just flashes of colour, the noise was getting louder then quiter, then louder again. I stumbled, trying to find the sofa to sit down to regain my breath. Obviously I missed completely and land straight on the drinks table-also cutting off the stereo causing everyone to groan and moan making all the attention go on me?

"Is she drunk?" someone asked 

"I don't know! She's about to pass out she's really pale!"

"Omg shut up she's saying something!" some girl said

"Aurora???? Aurora, love it's Draco can you see me? love?" I was zoning in and out of consciousness 

"Theres monsters" I think I whimpered. They're coming to get me! they're in my head!" I say crying, my body going numb.

"Jesus she's so drunk!" someone exclaimed

"She's not drunk dickhead! She's drugged! Malfoy take her to safety I'll be there soon" A bossy voice called. It sounded alot like a girl I know called Pansy Parkinson.

"Come on love" some bleached boy said picking me up and carrying me up some stairs

"Dray?" I hoarsly mutter.

"I'm sorry. I tried to make you jealous. I was so stupid, I'm so sorry pretty girl I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry I love you. I love you so much...

I hate this so much. like, i don't think the song even fits but i love this song so much it's unreal. I might delete later. This is definatly not my best oneshot but i still hope you enjoyed it to a degree.

over and out xxx

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