No matter what- D.M

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Hey lovelies! Hope your having a good day whilst you're reading this malfoy oneshot! Thank you guys for the support- love you all xx

Being Harry Potters sister was never easy. It was, in fact, much harder than you think. You see, everyone only likes my brother for various reasons e.g. he's good at quiditch, he's a gryffindor, he's funny, he's the boy who lived bla bla bla. But what about me? What about the 'girl who lived?'. Simple; no one gives a shit about her. I mean why would they? All of Harry's friends tolerate me because I'm his sister. But that doesn't mean they like me. In fact, quite the contrary, I'm a Slythering, I look nothing like my brother, I can be horrible, and the biggest one there is: I'm best friends with the dark lords son. Shocker! But despite all that, only 1 person saw through everything. The surname (Slytherings hate me because of Harry- such an overdramatic embarrasment), the house, the everything. And that was my brothers Arch Nemesis- Draco Lucious Malfoy.

"Dray?" I mumbled into my beautiful boyfriends chest.

"Hm?" he answered sleepily

"Do you think I should tell Harry about us? I mean we dated in secret for long enough, nearly half a year... and I love you. Maybe he won't take it as bad..." Oh who am I kidding. Even Draco gave me a funny look

"Look, darling, I love and value you more than my life, but I think it will be better if we leave it for now. You don't want to go through the embarrasment of dating a malfoy. You get eniugh Spite as it is." He said gently

"You're not an embarrasment" I say firmly

"Maybe not to you, but for others I am... come on princess, lets go to sleep now" he said as he cuddled me closer. Only my decision was already made. A long time ago.


I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. Our conversation kept on replaying in my mind and I couldn't help but feel the unfairness of this whole situation. Still, it's time to show people what I really want. Who I want. Quickly doing my routine and getting dressed, I left my dorm, and a sleeping Draco in peace.

Another timeskip because I'm a lazy rat lmao

I was sitting under the tree in the courtyard with Harry since 'y/n you've got to sit with us and try to regain at least some respect back, plus it'll be good for our reputation." Thats always his excuse. 

"Ugh look it's Malfoy coming" Hermoine said, but you could clearly see a blush glowing on her smart little face. This went un noticed by me and Ron who glowered at her and Malfoy. Since dating me, Draco started being less horrible to the trio and was all set to walk past and ignore them if it wasn't for Harry's comment.

"See y/n, thats what people look like when no one loves them and everyone don't give a shit about them"

"Shut the fuck up Harry" I spit, much to the surprise of everyone

"Whats your problem y/n?" he asked in his annoying patronising voice. 

"your my fucking problem" I spit " I had enough of you bossing me about who I can and can't be friends with. I had enough with you judging every single slythering going! Not all of us are fucking monsters you know! Your even worse than most of the slytherings! And would you like me to remind you that if you didn't beg that old, wrinkly hat to put you in Gryffindor you'd be in the 'evil' house too! They have feelings! And would you like me to remind that our fathers best friend betrayed our parents wich was why fucking voldemort killed them?! I had enough of hiding who I really am, and for your information I'm dating Draco fucking Malfoy! Have that!" I shout in his face. That was not how me breaking the news to Harry was meant to go but oh well.

"WHAT" screeched Harry and Hermoine at the same time. Instead of answering, I flipped them off, grabbed Draco's arm and dragged us away. 

"How I love you" he gasped as he kissed me deeply "As long as I'm with you I've got a smile on my face " I say smiling into the kiss.

This wasn't the best and my grammar was shite, but still aslong as you liked it I'm fine and I'm sorry but the song is a vibe lol even if it doesn't suit the oneshot too good lol

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