you hit them part 3

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This is like the next day of the argument/you hitting them. Like last time I will seperate them up a bit. Also important question: Do you guys want me to add Blaise zabini yes or no? I know he is part of the fandom but I don't really know him as a character yk. I can still try tho xx

Mattheo Riddle


To say that Mattheo felt bad was an understatement. He felt like such a delinquent. He felt so so stupid. How dare he compare you to some random slut? He felt that he deserved the slap and more. He knew you were compared to all your life and then him doing the same as all the others... well that was absolutely foolish wasn't it. So what that you didn't go to one bloody game. It was only a practice one, nothing too major. Yes, he felt angry that they lost. Furious in fact. The only thing that would of calmed him was his girlfriend and him finding her not there... well he was worried. He knew that there was a good fucking reason for his number 1 supporter not to be there. And there was, he just refused to listen to it. So when Pansy later told him about the rumors and your day he felt like the shittiest boyfriend ever. And in a way he was. He immediately wanted to go after you, get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, but Pansy told him to wait. "Your too high on adrenaline and anger right now. Both you and y/n are too emotional right now and both of you might say things you don't mean. Sleep on it. Both of you cool down. Then do whatever you need to do for her to forgive you." she said. She was firm and protective of her best friend but she knew that Mattheo was hurt too and they needed to sort it out by themselves. So he listened and went back to his room to 'sleep' on it. Only he didn't. He tossed and turned, counting down the hours untill it was a good enough time to apologize. For him it was 6 in the morning. He simply couldn't wait any longer.

"Y/n?" he said anxiously, his heart beating fast as he knocked on the door. Without waiting for a reply, he automatically walked in. He instantly saw his beautiful girlfriend in a little ball, curled up in bed. She once told him that she only done that when she felt unsafe or worried. He remembered that and felt even worse that he wasn't there for her.

"Fuck off" a raspy voice said halfheartedly. His heart shattered.

"Ok. I will. But-but hear me out first. Please?" he begged. Your silence unnerved him but he continued. He wasn't good with words and expressing feelings so he didn't know how to start. "I'm sorry. I really, really am. What I said was unforgivable. It was so foolish of me to compare you and even think of saying that I'm going to another womans company. I was high on adrenaline and anger from the game. I was worried about you not being there and I just had a shit day before the game. This isn't an excuse by the way. I-I'm sorry I'm not here with flowers and I'm sorry I came so early but I love you so so much and me hurting you like that was... was... I don't even know how to put it in words but it was dumb. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean none of that. I know you had a rough day and I'm sorry I made it worse... yeah. I don't really know what to say... you know I'm not good with words. But I'll do anything for forgivness. I'll get on my knees and beg. Something I never done and swore I would never do. But here I am. I'm sorry. I'll do anything." he breathed out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. After a short silence he sighed again and went for the door.

"You can come and cuddle" a small voice said from under the covers. Mattheo didn't need to be told twice as he jumped into bed. "I'm sorry for the slap-" you started "shhhh. No I deserved it." Mattheo reassured her. "I forgive you. I'm too tired to fight." the girl yawned as they both drift off to a much needed sleep, both happy that they have each other.

Damnnn this one is longgg I feel bad that the others are short lol

Theo Nott

After Theodore left and slammed the door he instantly realized he fucked the fuck up. Not only did he call you overprotective but he called you a bitch. "Fuck." the boy breathed out "Fuckety fuck fuck" he yelled punching the wall. He didn't even feel the pain through his fear of losing you and the guilt that is swirling in the pits of his stomach right now. He impulsively ran into his dorm and grabbed all the cigarettes he could find. Plus any lighters, matches etc. he all grabbed the shit and went back downstairs into the common room. He sat down on the sofa next to his best mate Mattheo and started throwing each cigarette one by one into the fire.

"Dude, be careful, don't burn the school down" his mate chuckled. After a pause he got up and left. Theo didn't care. To be honest he didn't even notice properly. It was pain watching all his cigarettes get burnt down but he knew he deserved pain. He seriously needed to stop. He was on the brink of losing his number one supporter. His lover, his girlfriend. Fuck it, he even thought of her as his future wife . Something that is hard to believe especially as he used to be the schools number one fuck boy. He took a deep breath as he threw the last cigarette in the fire, watching as they cackled away into nothing. He then stood up and walked over to the window. He looked own at the lighters and matched in his hand and threw them all out of the window. As far as he could. He felt better. Now he had to go to his girlfriend and beg her not to leave him. Taking a deep breathe he turned around only to crash straight into his girlfriend.

"y/n?!" he gasped "listen baby I am so so sorry for calling you an overprotective bitch. Your not overprotective, you're caring. And I never knew what caring was until I met you, so I though you were just being patronising. But now I understand you're not. I am so so sorry for calling you a bitch. That was straight up fucked up. What man calls his woman a bitch? A dumb one. I am so sorry" he ranted about to say more before he got interrupted

"Are you serious?" y/n said

He looked at her fearfully. "Y-Yes? I'm sorry I-"

"No. I mean about the cigarettes and the smoking. I saw you throw them all away after Mattheo called me down. One by one. And I saw how painful it was for you, but you didn't stop. So, I'm assuming you're giving up. Am I right?" she asked. Still, somewhat coldly.

"Yes, but y/n, I'm warning you it will not be easy. I will need help and support as I know I'll feel pulled towards them. I might even relapse. I'm addicted. You're right. And- and I finally understood that it's either you or some fucking rolled up nicotine that doesn't bring me a 1/10th of the happiness that you do. I chose you." he said

"Thank you." the girl finally cracked a smile going in for a hug. "I'll be with you for every step of the way. Thank you" y/n sighed, relived.

"No, y/l/n, thank you, cara mia." he said hugging you back so much more harder

"I still hate you."

"I know, darling, I know." he said stroking your back. Secretly scared for the recovery journey ahead, but knowing that you, his favourite person, will be there. His heart was thudding a little less.

Ok, on a serious note, if you know anyone who is smoking and can't stop. Wether it's a friend or a family member, try help them to stop, it will be hard. Very hard, but in the long run, everyone will be happier and a life will be with us for longer. here are some links that may help xx

The one on top is really good, aswell as the nhs one

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