Lost feelings- D.M 2

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It's been days. Maybe weeks... I don't know. I don't want to know. But what I do know is how much it fucking hurts and pains you when you finally trust someone, finally open up to someone, finally learn to love someone and they take advantage of it, take it, then ruin everything and move on like nothing happened, even finding someone else to fuck with. It truly broke you. You stopped coming out from your dorm, I stopped talking, eating, drinking. Well, that's not completely true. I drink... alcahol. I consume... drugs. that type of stuff. Sooner or later, I knew I had to leave my dorm to get some more. But if I done it once before, I can do it once again without people seeing how I look.

Timeskip- few days

The day came. I need drugs. I patiently waited untill it was past 10pm- curfew time and quickly shoved some shoes on. Quietly, I open the door inch by inch, making sure not even the smallest of sounds are heard. Checking the coast is clear, I put my hood up and quickly and what I thought was quietly but in reality I probably bumped into every single door and wall possible. When I got to the boys dormitory I swiftly turned right- to get into Mattheo Riddles dorm. I know he has the best drug collection there is and I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much if I took a pill or two... or three... or four... whatever. I tentavely knock on the door waiting for his answer. I heard some quick, angry muttering wich felt like it was between two people. Shit. I wasn't expecting anyone with him. All this heartbreak is making me slow. Just as I was about to leave the door suddenly opened revealing a stressed out Mattheo.

"Y/n" he gasped, visibly shocked at my appearance

"Hey. Um... sorry I didn't warn you about me coming but I really need something." I whisper. Everything feels too much, It feels like I forgot to talk

"Come inside y/n. We'll talk there." he said pulling me in.

"Thats not neccasary" I reassure him in a mutter

"Y/n?" another shocked voice exclaims. A voice I knew very well. A voice that calmed me when I felt overwhelmed, the voice that made me laugh when I was sad, the voice that moaned my name in bed... the voice that stopped everything working in my world.

"Um Mattheo I really have to go. sorry for bothering" I quickly muster out , the tears already threatening to spill.

"No. Don't leave. I need to explain" my exes voice exclaimed

"I think I'll leave." Mattheo said and ran out.

"Me too." I said reaching for the door

"Please?" he said, grabbing my arm, forcing me to turn around. It took me everything not to gasp at the way he looked. He looked like me.

"What could possibly justify what you have done to me Malfoy" I spit vehemently. 

"My father wanted me to get closer to the Greengrass family. I had to get with Astoria and leave you for her and thats what I done. Only her family didn't want us."

"So now you want me back because Astoria didn't want you."

"No. I always wanted you but I had no say in the matter." he cried desperately

"So... what are you saying..?" I whisper

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart. Lets start again."

"Ok." I say half-heartedly. I'll forgive him anything

I did not like this at all

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