Heartbreak- M.R

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Guess what ratty patty's (joking I love you all xxx) I'm so obsessed with Mattheo riddle that straight after doing a mattheo riddle oneshot... I'm doing another one because daddy's a smash. Anywho,anyway this one is inspired after this youtube short that I got sent and damn for some reason that hit hard lol. This one is sad because bitch I'm in my era but I still hope you enjoy it! The link to the short isn't pasting but I'll try, instead I'll attach a sad song for now because I'm emo lol (joking joking) w! Love you guys and thanks for the support xx

 I was walking with Luna through the school grounds. Just walking and talking, trying to get my mind of stuff. Usually, I'd be hanging with my house (Slythering- sorry guys for the people who aren't you can imagine a different house I guess) but I just need to escape from everything to do with him. Mattheo. My love. 

"So... what happened" Luna asks in her sweet, innocent voice. I decided to tell her. Truly tell her, get it off my chest because sometimes it's so overwhelming it's hard to breath.

"It was us two versus the world" I sigh.

"And what happened to your relationship?" she asks again

"We grew up. Found other interests." I say as emotionless as I could. Although inside my feelings were battling against each other non- stop. The sadness, the despair, the anger, the hatred, the hoplessnes. I glance at her after a short pause. She looked at me and just by her face I knew that she knew. She knew it was more than that. I sigh deeply, trying to stop the tears falling.

"Even soulmates move on." my voice wavered a little. I hoped like mad she didn't notice. She did. I mean, this is Luna Lovegood we on about. She can read you like a book.

"You miss him." she stated matter of factly "Don't you?" she said looking at me properly this time.

I turn away and flashbacks instantly come back.


"I love you." he said, grinning that little grin

"I love you more" I say smiling

After this, every single little memory of him envaded my head. His hugs, his kisses, his notes, his humour, his smile, his scars, his dimples, his personality, his intelligence, his body, his muscles, his protectivness, his love. If only his stupid father left us alone...


The link

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