them in british secondary schools

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Literally barely here :)


-Defo the one yr 11 who everyone has a crush on but used to be ugly
-The one who goes to school high
-gets invited to all partied but never hosts one


-The one who brags to much
-The one who gossips and spreads rumours just for some drama
- The one who is over-confident and thinks everyone loves him


- The one who tells yr 7's the complete wrong way to class
- The quiet popular one who is really smart
- Trips people up on the stairs


-The reason why the smoke alarms keep going off
-switches the fire bell thingy just to get out of class
- Bunks too much
-sells empty vapes to year 7's and charges them double


-Everyones friend
-popular asf but doesn't use it
-every girls hall crush
- really nice to the quiet kids. Literally their besties
-would 100% help a lost year 7

next one will be their gcse grades i thinkk

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