One bed- E.B

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Requested by Jmarie1324

This is a similar one to the theodore nott (I know I spelt that wrong lmao)

All the slytherins are finally going on a trip... to Paris. Snape finally let us after we studied like mad and Macggonagal boasted that her house is going, he decided to let us. So thanks to her  I guess?

Timeskip ( because I'm genuanly kinda lazy lmao )

We were at the Hotel and mannnn let me tell you it was bloody bougie. Not that I'm complaining though. 

"Ok listen up you pesks, since you guys are both in 7th year and are either 17 or 18 (I think) I do give you permission to sleep with a different gender in the same room. But if you get pregnant thats your problem not mine." He said. But guess what." That won't happen because I have the sleeping plan. Some rooms might have 7 people in a room, some may have 2. Prefects and all the good students are most likely get a room with just them and one more. Now, let's see...

Hermoine Granger and Lavender Brown,

Pansy, Astoria and Draco." Well... that will be awkward. A bit of a love triangle. I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

After Snape called out nearly everyone, he suddenly looked at his parchment with a frown. "Right... y/n y/l/n and Lorenzo Berkshire. You two are lucky enough to only share with each other. But there better be no misbehaving" he said sternly. I glanced over at Enzo, who was already looking at me. I looked at him and smiled as a blush crept up my cheeks.


I walked into the hotel room and instantly noticed one bed. Enzo clearly noticed it too.

"Don't worry y/n, I'll sleep on the armchair" he said smiling sweetly

"You sure?" I ask

"Yeah! no worries at all" he said and walked away to the shower as I began un packing my things.

Timeskip lmfao

I crawl into bed completely tired literally having no energy. "I'm going to bed, Night Enzo." I told my secret crush. "Night" he yawned. And with that I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

I woke up to hear some rustling over by the floor. I instantly panicked and jumped out of bed, nearly stepping on Enzo. My heart literally melted. The boor boy was sleeping on a wooden floor with a think pillow and blanket. I instantly felt super bad. "Enzo I say gently shaking him 

"Whats up y/n?" he asked barely keeping his eyes open.

"I'm sorry Enzo. This is really really unfair on you. Please get into bed" I whisper. "I was being so selfish earlier, I mean, you haven't even done anything and I'm telling you to sleep on the floor. I'm so sorry. Get into bed"

"Y/n I understand. I'm fine. Go back to bed." he said gently

"Bitch get the fuck up from that floor I want you in my bed in the next 10 seconds. And if I don't see you cuddled up next to me I will sleep in the bathroom" I say sternly. I then realise what I said about the cuddling and blushed scarlet. "I mean... you don't have to... I just..." I stammered. He stood up and gently picked me up, laying me on the bed. Once, he layed me down, he made sure I was under the covers before he walked over to his side and lay next to me, spooning me. The butterflies in my stomach were doing the bloody conga.

"Ok, darling if thats what you want" he said yawning as I giggle.

"Tommorow, me and you are going out together to explore. Lets ditch our friends. Make it a date." he said as I blush like crazy. I wanted to stand up and twirl and dance and twerk all night at those words.

"I'd love to Enzo."

"Good." and with that we both fell asleep. What I didn't know was that in the days following, I'd have him as a boyfriend.

This is rushed asf but I was brain dead today. Sorry about that xx

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