Left out- E.B

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This one is kinda like the tiktok so creds to the person who made the tiktok. Hope you enjoy xx

I was sitting in Potions with Snape, bored out of my mind until he said something that made us think that he was on crack or finally got railed.

"Today you will make polyjuice potion. You can go in groups in no more than three, and just this once I will let you choose who to work with. But just remember if the noise gets a notch too high I'll fail you all and you'll get regrouped. proceed"

everyone started going crazy

"Aurora! come over here!" my mate mattheo said calling me over. with a smile I walked over to the slytherins.

"K, so me, Draco and aurora will be a group and then you and enzo can be a pair." Mattheo commanded.

"What! no, I don't want Lorenzo! Give me aurora, or Draco at least" Theo whined, as I stood shocked at his audacity.

"Hey!" Enzo exclaimed- hurt radiating off his eyes

"No! We don't want him- you work with him- or draco can go with him! You's are cousins or some shit." Mattheo arugued as Enzo just stood there.

"Hey!" he repeated

"No! Mattheo you're his cousin too so why don't you go with him!" Draco argued back

"Guys... it's ok, I'll go by myself" he said smiling sadly as he walked away. My hurt shattered into a million pieces. How can his friends be so horrible? He's such a sweetheart. Anger took over my sadness and guilt for him as I spin round to face the rest off.

"You are fucking horrible" I spit. "How can you do that to your own friend?! He didn't do anything to deserve the shit you always give him, he's always there for you, so why can't you be there for him?" I spit disgusted, not even wanting to carry on talking with them... toxic cunts.

"Hey Enzo!" I say plonking down next to him, as he looks at me surprised.

"hi rora." he sighs sadly "what you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if I could work with you?"

"I don't need your pity. Go work with your friends, they want you"

"But... I want to work with you! You are my friend. They'll survive without me. I want to work with you." I say firmly

"But why?" he gasped, and before my dumb brain can process anything, I replied "Because I like you Enzo. Quite alot" I instantly blush as he looks on shocked. "I'll... I'll get the ingridents shall I?" I say shyly and embarrased

"Sure, I like you too by the way" he said smiling

The rest of the lesson went by in a blur as we laughed and talked and laughed some more. I really understood Enzo. 

After lesson, as we were packing up he grabbed my arm

"Thanks rory, that was really nice of you but you didn't have to." he said gently

"I know I didn't have to. But I wanted to." I say smiling up at him "I really enjoy your presense" I giggle

"Me too... thats why I was um wondering... maybe you'd like to go Hogsmeade with me?.. You don't have to of course! Don't feel obligated too because of pity or anything..." he trailed off

"Enzo... that would be so perfect" I say grabbing his hand as we walk out of the classroom

This one was rushed but I still hope you liked it. I am writing an arranged marriage oneshot for mattheo riddle wich will be longer of course and it was requested by Jmarie1324

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