Arranged Marriage- M.R

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Requested by Jmarie1324

Warnings:  mentions of SH, mentions of SA

You guys NEED to listen to this with either the song attached or any sad sped up song/playlist. It just hits way different.

Being 17 is fucking tough. And it's even tougher if you're raised in a toxic family of deatheaters. I am lucky enough to not get the dark mark because I'm a woman and since this is voldy moldy we're talking about- he is a sexist with a capital S. My brother, wasn't so lucky. He's a deatheater and it's very draining for him. Now, don't be fooled that just because I don't have some moving weird-ass tattoo that I'm safe. I'm not. In fact, I may be getting married. Yay what a slay.

"AURORA OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" my father screamed. sighing I walk over to the door and open it. "Sorry father but I need privacy to change." I say. That comment certainly didn't help as he grabbed me by my neck and shoved me downs stairs. "Our dark lord would like to see us. Only us, to discuss some important things concerning you. So if I was you, I'd shut your slutty mouth and drop the attitude before I have to beat it out of you." He hissed into my ear. "Sorry." I mutter, and walk downstairs to the front door- where we usually apparate. "Ready?" my father asked me and my brother (Mother's missing since we were 6) and without no warning he quickly apparated us. I will never get used to stupid apparation. It feels like your insides are getting squished and you can barely breathe. As we apparated to the Malfoy Manor aunt cissy opened the door and smiled this sad smile at me. Tears clearly visible in her eyes. "Come in my darlings, the dark lord and his sons are waiting for you" she said ushering us in. Sons? Since when did his sons are interested in us. me. We quickly walked down the endless corriders untill we reach the hallway. I raise my fist too knock, and take a deep breath.

"Come in!" the voice said. He always sounds like he has a stuffed nose. Oh wait... he has no nose. My father pushes me in first and I instantly notice the youngest of the riddle sons sitting across from his brother- Tom Riddle jr (pretend voldy is like Tom riddle seniour). The sons name? Mattheo Riddle. We used to have... some chemistry if thats what you could call it. Our relationship was very weird. We went from friends, to friends with benefits, to friends, to enemies, to friends with benefits. Now we're back to enemies after he said some most offensive shit ever. No seriously the shit that he said made me cry for a week straight. It made me want to kill myself. Honestly. "Ah Aurora Nott, what a pretty girl you have there Boris" he gasped ( pretend thats our fathers name lol) "Thank you, my lord" my father simped 

"Take a seat Aurora! Right next to my son there- Mattheo" he commanded. I quietly scoffed under my breath but then plasted on a fake smile "Of course, my lord" I say and walk over to that emotionless freak and sit down. Moving my chair as far away as I dared. He randomly looked at me- straight into my eyes and the memories of our argument flashed back 



End of flashback

I instantly look away as tears start prickling my eyes at the memory. i can't even remember why this all started. I just remember how much it hurt- especially when I fucking loved him. I thought of him more than just a friend with benefits. I really fell for him. And I think that hurt more, hearing those words. Maybe if we were strangers it wouldn't of really impacted me that much. But we're not. 

"Now, I'm sure you both are wondering why you are here and everyone else aren't" Voldy said, pausing for a 'dramatic' effect. It's not dramatic- it's annoying. "Well the answer is quite simple. You two are purebloods, rich, good looking and I must say quite powerful. You two are also in your last year- so the timing is perfect... I and my fellow friend here are proposing for you two to court together." and at those last words I finally understood my life fell apart for real now. I didn't even react. I just gasped whilst my brother looked on in horror and shock but father... he looked happy, proud, greedy. He'll get more money, fame, popularity whilst I have to marry someone who despises my existence. To make matters worse, even after all the things he said to me, I still love him.  "no." I whisper "no no no no no no no no no!" I scream, getting louder by each sentence. "no, please no." I say pleadingly. Mattheo just stared in horror not arguing- he clearly knows better. "Yes. and that is fixed. You are to marry shortly. Now go and calm yourself" Voldemort spat "Pathetic." he muttered "You better make sure I don't regret my decision or things will happen" he threatened. "May I be excused?" I ask "Yes. Mattheo go with her. Me and my aquantance need to talk about some buisness now. he stated. I nod and speed walk out. The second I'm out of that room I crumple down and cry 

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