Smoke- T.N

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Just a small oneshot on how you and Theo meet and obviously smoke is involved because he's an addict lol.

y/n pov

I wasn't running. I was flying down the corriders sprinting away from umbridge and filch after seeing them kiss and them catching me. In my defence, I was doing a dare from Enzo because he thinks he's funny. Now he's most probably lost because that baked potato gets lost on the way to the great hall and I have no clue where I am. I am not lost though. I am confused where I am. Huge difference. I mean you would be as well if you had to run for 10 minutes straight without an actual destination. At this point I was blundering around having no clue where to go. That was, untill I found a long winding staircase leading up with smoke trailing down. That must be the astronomy tower! But you must be out of your mind if you think that after a 10 minute sprint I'm going to go up a set of long ass stairs. I'll pass out. 

Suddenly I heard a cat and a wheezing old man on the verge of collapsing. Do I come clean and stop the old man from dying or do I run up the stairs knowing I won't get caught? Decision made I sprinted up the stairs.

"Oh my holy fuck" I wheezed, literally sounding like filch a second ago. I know for sure it will take me too long to get my breath back. I was hyper ventilating, and thirsty.

"Are you ok?" A voice asked coming out from somehwere near, giving me a fright. I lost my cool.#

"Do I look ok? I am wheezing like a 90 year old-twenty-a-day smoker who's also got cancer. I just ran a marathon in a sprint and then up a massive flight of stairs to get away from umbridge and filch after I saw them make out. The inside of my throat is as dry as maggonagals pussy and I'm thirst as fuck, I am now scarred for life at what I saw, Physically exhausted and you're not helping by jumping out of the shadows and scaring me even more, so overall, no I'm not alright." I gasp annoyed.

"Jesus sorry for asking" 

I look up to see who just tried to give me a heart attack and see a beautifull boy holding a ciggarette (how ironic) staring at me with a light smirk on his face as his blue eyes, carefully look me up and down.

"sorry. It was quite a... er adventure to say the least." I breathe out

"no worries here I got some water that I have with me." he said passing me a bottle of water

"Oh my god you are my saviour!" I exlaim snatching his bottle and jugging it down as he looks on amusingly.

"well we don't want such a pretty, beautiful girl have a mouth as dry as maggonagals pussy do we?" he smirked.

"Thanks. i guess?.." I trail off, unapologetically staring at his gorgoues, hot features. "You have an accent" I point out "Where are you from?" 

"Italia" he replies. "I'm Theodoore Nott." he says reaching out a hand as he blows some more smoke from his never-ending ciggarette.

"Oh I think I saw you around with Draco Malfoy and that lot. I'm y/n. y/n y/l/n." I say giving him my hand. Instead of a handshake he threw his ciggarette of the balcony and gently reached down to my hand, giving my knuckles a kiss as I blush and my knees go weak. men who are gentlemen are my weakness.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. May I  accompany you to your room?" he asks politely

"sure, thanks." I reply giggling as we both took to the stairs talking about what I saw in umbridges office.

Thanks for readin! this isn't my best oneshot but I still hope you liked it! 

Over and out xoxo

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