you hit them part 4

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Enzo- (this one is kinda reversed so you apologising to pookie instead of the other way round)

I felt so ashamed at that moment. What I done was inexcusable. My face burnt with shame at the thought of becoming that girlfriend. After a few minutes just standing there I decided to call him. I quickly reach for my phone, holding a hand over my mouth, trying to suppress the sobs escaping my mouth. I felt pathetic. Why am I crying? I was the one who hurt my loved one. I shouldn't be crying. I quickly find his contact in my recently called list as it's at the very top and call his number, sitting down on the bed. Usually, Enzo answers from first ring, max third. This time he let it run through voicemail. I hung up, tongue tied. I need to talk to Enzo face to face. But not now. I knew that I should wait and let him cool down... but I couldn't. The guilt was eating at me from the inside. I shove on some shoes and sprint down the corridors. At a corner I careed  straight into Draco Malfoy- his cousin.

"Draco! Thank fuck it's you! Do you- do you know where Enzo is??" I ask breathlessly. He looked me up and down and scoffed

"And what if I do know? I ain't telling you. He came to me near fucking tears. Do you have any clue at what you done?! And I seriously thought you were good for him. I even let my self like you. Looks like you're like all the rest" he spat, venom almost dripping from his words.

"No! Draco, I-I I don't have- I'm so sorry. But I love Enzo and I need to see him to be able to say sorry because what I done was fucked up and I need to fix it. For him. Please" I pleaded.

"The lake" he mumbled quickly before striding away. He said it so fast I almost didn't hear him. But I did. The black lake.


"Enzo?.." I ask tentavely and out of breath from running from the top of the school, all the way to the black lake. I walk closer to the figure sitting underneath the tree, throwing pebbles into the lake.

"Enzo?" I say, clearing my throat. No answer. I walked down and sat next to him. I was about to speak but he got there first.

"Did I do anything for you to slap me?" he asked "If I did, then tell me because then I can stop feeling this sense of confusion and betrayal."

"You didn't" I whisper "And I'm so so so sorry Enz, you can't imagine. I'm on my period and I was hormonal and angry but that isn't an excuse. Nothing would ever excuse the way I treated you when you didn't deserve it. When you done nothing but show me patients and love and respect. What I done was low and pathetic and I'm sorry. I'll do anything for your forgiveness but please. please, please don't think that you deserved it in any way." I say hoarsly, holding back my tears. he looked at me and sighed. A few moments passed, long enough for me to think that I should leave. I was about to stand up when he pulled me into him.

"Don't do it again." he said into my neck

"I won't. I pinky swear I won't I'm so sorry"

"I know. It's ok..." he said as I scratch his head and stroke his back. Although he said it's ok, I knew it wasn't. I will need to rebuild his trust and respect again. But I'm ready. I'll do anything for him. Anything.

Draco Malfoy

It's been a few days. 2 or 3 maybe. I don't know, I didn't count. After the slap and the argument I started hanging out with the golden trio, Hermoine especially. I didn't care that she was a muggle-born or that slytherings dislike gryffindors. Because none of that matters. She's a witch. And a good witch at that. \Who cares what 'blood' she has. Her blood is red. Like everyone elses so theres no reason for her to be treated so unfairly.

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