Empty classroom- T.N

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This is my first time writing smut so go long with it for now lol 😭

"Cara mia... you're so pretty" Theo said, looking me up and down whilst twirling a strand of my hair. Even now, after all this time he knew exactly how to get me flustered. He knew me inside and out (literally)

"mmm" I hummed absent-mindlessly, playing with his tie, trying to hide my prominent blush that was slowly heating up my cheeks. Obviously, he noticed and chuckled darkly. His hands sliding up my skirt

"Theo! Not here" I gasp pushing his hands away

"Come on darling, nothing I haven't seen before" He winked as his hands resumed the journey up north

"Theo!! Teachers can come by any second!" I hiss, weakly pushing his hands away. He huffed but stopped stepping back. Suddenly his eyes lit up, in a way that I knew they did when he was excited or happy "Theo..?" I ask unsure at what we're about to do. He lunged forward and picked me up swinging me over his shoulder, slapping my arse in the process. I squeal as he stops outside a classroom door, looking up and down the corridors and then quickly walking in, muttering a silencing charm and locking the door sitting me on a desk. 

"Theo" I gasp. He doesn't reply and just stares at me. I don't waste a second and smash my lips onto his. It starts off slow and loving and passionate but gets more needy and urgent by the second. He flicked his tongue over my bottom lips, asking for entrance. More like demanding. I happily oblige and our tongues meet, battling for dominance. I was glad I was sitting down because if I were standing, I would've melted on the spot. After a couple minutes we pulled away both gasping for breathe. He looked at me with his intense eyes and I instantly knew what to do. I slowly get off of the table and slide to my knees, stroking his prominent bulge through the piece of fabric of his trousers.

"Y/n" he says in a warning tone, harshly grabbing my hair. I chuckle but do as told, unbuckling his belt and pull his trousers and boxers down in one go. I gasp happily at his little member. Not that you can call it little. He certainly doesn't fail to impress. "Like what you see?" he laughed. 

"I certainly do" I breathe out as I start playing and teasing his tip- something that he loves

"Shit, y/n" he groaned, his grip on my hair stronger. I start aggressively sucking him off, fast and furious, stroking the rest of his length with a spare hand. His groans echo in the empty room as he murmurs words of encouragement and praise. "Shit! Just like that princess, just like that." he moaned. It was safe to say that I felt his climax approaching soon after. He grabbed my hair even tighter (don't know how that's possible) and his hips start bucking. Suddenly, his cum spurted in my mouth and I happily swallow, knowing how much he loved it. "Oh, y/l/n you can not imagine how much I fucking love you" He breathed out .

"Yeah?" I challenge "prove it" I smirk

"With pleasure" he chuckled, harshly grabbing me by the hips and turning me round, bending me over. He slowly toys with my thong, playing with it. 

"Theo" I moan "Please" I gasp

"Please what?" he demands, slapping my bare ass. "Hm? please what, bitch?" he said pulling my hair.

"Please fuck me" I gasp again.

"If thats what my princess wants" he said, suddenly ripping my thong open, chucking it somewhere "Such a shame.. I liked that little set... oh well I'll get you a new one" and with no warning he plunged his dick into me.

"Shitttt" I moan, as his member fills me up completely. He roughly pounds into me. This man showed more mercy. He hit all the right angles making me curse and scream in delight.

"Thats right baby, scream my name for me" he said hoarsely as he carried on pounding

"Fuck, fuck,fuck! Just like that! Just like that! Shit I'm close" I moan (or more like screamed)

"Wait a bit for me baby. Wait for me" he gasped, but as we were speaking his breaths got heavier, his thrusts sloppier, his hips bucking violently. "Come for me." he says and I don't waste a second to oblige as we collapse in pleasure. Him on a chair, me on the table, trying to regain our composure

"Now, I think we better leave baby Snape has a class here in 5 minutes" Theo reluctantly sighs, picking me up bridal style.

"What about my panties!" I gasp as we walk out. He smirked mischievously. 

"Let some first year find them" he shrugged as he takes me to our dorm... probably for a round 2, not that I'm complaining...

First smut done!! I don't know what to feel on this one- but I hope y'all like this i guess...  

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