Secret- M.R

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Bro at this point why not call this a mattheo riddle oneshot book, plus a few slytherins here and there 😭 but anyways, for the mattheo lovers:

I was sitting in the library at the far corner, right behind the restricted section, where no one even really knows that there is a restricted section. It was always the far corner, in case 'people see us'. I was sitting with Mattheo 'studying'.

"And thenn, Draco slipped and went SPLAT! face first on the ground, right in front of the first years, he was bullying!" Mattheo laughed. Oh, his laugh. Just seeing the way his eyes crinkled and sparkled at the memory. That I, yet again, wasn't in. "y/n?" he asked suddenly, laying his hand on top of mine. Looks like I spaced out for too long. 

"Omg really? That must be so embarrassing" I laugh. I didn't even fool myself.

"Come on... whats wrong?"

"Nothing" I laugh it off, not looking him in the eye. He obviously noticed.

"No, somethings wrong. Tell me y/n!" he said, pulling my hands.

"It's nothing Theo, drop it!" I snap, pulling my hands away.

"Well it obviously isn't nothing" he scoffed. I just sigh and drop my head into my arms. He didn't give up. This time, more gently, he prodded at me "Come on y/n. I care about you. Whats wrong, you're my girlfriend, obviously I want to know." he said.

"Sometimes it don't feel like it" I mumble, still not lifting my head up.

"What do you mean?"

I finally lift myself up to look at him. "Mattheo, I just want to be like a normal couple, not some sort of secret that you're to embarrassed to share. I don't want to just meet up every once in a while, in a smelly corner of some stupid library just to talk about all the fun things you done and then go back to our separate lives where we don't even look at each other when passing in the hallways. I don't want to have to see you flirting with other girls and act like it doesn't bother me. Those pretty, popular girls are the ones you actually give time for. The not so popular ones- like me, you don't give the time of day. I'm your girlfriend Mattheo! And I want to be treated like one! I want to be respected. I want my wishes to be respected..." I ranted, finally pausing to take a breath. Mattheo stared at me intently and nodded.

"I love you." he said before standing up and marching off somewhere. What the fuck.


I finally found the strength to stand up and leave the library. Reluctantly and grudgingly I made my way to the Slythering common room, dragging my feet to make the journey a bit longer. I finally reached the common room portrait and took deep breaths outside it, trying to regain my composure from all the crying. This is why I hate it, it gives you a massive headache, red eyes (as if I just smoked about 20 blunts in one go) and unwanted attention. I quickly mutter the password and walk in.

"Hey baby!" Mattheo exclaims, practically materializing from no where. I stared at him, confused as he gave me a massive hug

"What are you doing" I hiss

"Respecting your wishes, proving to you I love you and apologizing" he whispered into my hair. Before I can question anything he practically screams "How's my beautiful girlfriend!" I just stood there, shell-shocked, not daring to move a muscle. From over his shoulder, I can see a group of girls gasp and start whispering and a group of boys mumble something. Over by the couch, I saw his friendgroup: Draco, Enzo and Theo staring in amusement. The whole common room went quiet for what felt like the whole night, but was really a few seconds when Draco suddenly sprung up

"AYYY, congratulations Mattheo, my man!" Draco said thumping him on the back

"You've found yourself a nice one here" Theodore smirked "Now, mind you, I actually had an eye on her for a while now.. looks like you beat me there first" he laughed, giving me a hug. I stood there, barely acknowledging what was happening 

"Watch what your saying nott" mattheo growled. It felt nice... to be protected like that. I just giggle

"Hi y/n!" Enzo said wrapping me in a hug " Nice to finally meet you! Welcome to the group." I smile, forgetting how I was just crying my eyes out mere minutes ago. 

"Thank you! And... what do you mean by finally meeting me..." I trail as the three boys look at Enzo. 

"Enzooo!" Draco and Theo groan. 

"Well, just so you know, we all knew you two were dating when Enzo accidently saw you two making out in the library, we wanted Mattheo to finally get the balls and tell us" Theo said, matter-of-factly. Mattheo looks like he's ready to strangle Theo. Or maybe all 3 of the boys. I just laugh.

"We do approve by the way!" Draco said suddenly. "We wanted to get to know you for ages "

"Well, you have the chance now" I beam, giggling at how I already found 3 new friends.

"Ummm... matty boo boo bear? I just thought that maybe you should leave that tramp for-" some girl started sashaying up to my boyfriend.

"Fuck off Astoria" they all groan.

"I'm just-"

"I'm counting to 3, if you don't fuck of by that time, I'm going to fucking turn you into a toad for the rest of your life and make you become a tramp" Mattheo said vehemently, in such a tone, that it even chilled me

"Whatver" she grumbled sullenly as she almost, sprints away. Everyone was silent until we all started laughing like it's our last day on Earth. It feels so nice to just finally have that sense of love and belonging...

Hope you liked it! I swear it's always the Mattheo oneshots that are the longest ones but oh well! xx

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