T.R- angst part 2

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After days of writing and editing like mad this is the end result. I'm still not completely satisfied (I never am lol) and might edit this further. I still hope you will enjoy and if there is any requests don't forget to comment or message me personally. I am active everyday lol

Thanks for the support xx

I dropped out of school shortly after my outburst with Tom, but I had to protect my baby at all costs. The teachers sent me the work and I came into school for a few days to complete my O.W.L.S since it's my last year. Despite me being pregnant I still got O's in nearly everything.

A few months later my baby girl was born. I called her Lily. Lily Grace Riddle. Despite everything that happened with Tom he was still her father and my true love. "Come on sweetheart don't wriggle around so much, my little wriggly worm let's get you in the pram baby girl and we'll go see auntie Pansy" I say to my daughter. She's only 5 months old but I just love talking to her. It makes me feel... less lonely. she's the only thing I have left.


"Auroraaa I missed you! Show me my little princess!" she demanded going straight for the pram

"Alright hold on! Lets sit down first" I say chuckling as we move over to a spare booth over in a corner. The booth me and Tom always sat in... everywhere I go he's always there it feels as if he's everywhere but in reality- he's just in my heart

"There! we're sitting now give me the baby!" Pansy pouted stretching her arms out

"Alright! here you go" I say laughing "I'll go get the drinks and stuff" I say, reaching for my wallet

"Um don't you bloody dare. I'm paying here take my card- you payed last time"

"No it's ok pans."

"Buy Lils a cuddly toy with the money. take my card>" she demanded looking at me with a deathstare that I learnt not to mess with.

"Thank you" I say tearing up as I head to the counter. Whilst I was standing in the queue I felt someone bump into me.

"Sorry!" I exclaim untill I felt like my heart dropped a million miles. Tom? Tom fucking Riddle?

"Aurora?" he whispered

"Thats me. Now if you excuse me..." I say trailing off slowly walking away

"No." he spat. "You do not get to leave me again like that. I spent all this fucking year and a half blundering like a lost man. Wich as you know I always had a goal-something to yearn for, and when you left... I couldn't be bothered wich freaked me out. I'm sorry. I know this doesn't fix nothing but I stopped doing dark magic. I got a straight job... ish. And have my own buisness but I can not feel truly at home and in calmness without you." he said all in one go- barely drawring breath.

I look up at him shocked. Never, has he ever, spoke about his feelings like that in private... let alone in public, where right now, everyone was staring. Just as I was about to reply, Pansy stalked over with Lily.

"Aurora? is everything ok... Riddle?!" she gasped, hatred written all over her face whilst her face turned a bright shade of red. Tom, although, completely ignored her and stared straight at Lily almost studying her. She looked back and managed a small chuckle and smile reaching her hands out to him. He looked gingerly at her then at me

"May I?" he whispered

"She's yours." I gulped shrugging motoining for pansy to pass the baby to Tom. Reluctantly she gave Lily to him whilst staring him down

"She's beautifull..." He whispered close to tears. What is wrong with Tom? Tears? Emotions? Those words don't associate with THE Tom Riddle.

"She looks like you" I state looking at him fearfully.

"I'm sorry." he said again as my daughter lolled against him "I want to be part of her life... is that Ok?" I hesitated. 

"Yes. I- we need you." I gasp

"I need you too." he said staring into my soul. And just like that... we reunited

Ok I definatly don't like this one too much but comment what you think! If you guys have a song idea that I ca put for this chapter that would be great!

Over and out xx

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