Lost feelings- D.M

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Sad oneshot hehe although there defo will be a part 2 for the ones who like a good old happy ending

Also, thank you soooo much for all the support from you guys, it means alot to me when I wake up, check my notifications and see people adding my work to their reading lists and voting them- THANK YOUU

I've been dating the slytherin prince for a few months now. He's just perfect. He's so kind and gentle in private. He's not the villian everyone thinks he is, he's just a boy with too much on him. He was never keen on PDA but I didn't mind. Although... recently he's been getting distant. I mean, he always has these distant days when he's cold and unhappy but these past weeks it feels like he's a completeley different person. A few weeks ago, if he'd see me he'd give me one of his rare smiles- the one when his eyes light up. A few weeks ago,he'd be giving me flowers for no reason just because 'a pretty girl deserves pretty flowers'. A few weeks ago everything was different. I tried to talk to him just for him to snap at me. I see him with other girls now- namely Astoria Greengrass. It's her now. His eyes light up whenever she walks by. I understand it now. He loves her. It's just a matter of time before my heart gets broken. Just a matter of time.

I was peacefully reading in my dorm when a short, quick knock sounded on my door.
"Come in." I sigh. After a short pause Draco tentively walks in. 

"Hey Dray." I smile. Even now, my heart swells whenever I see his gorgoues bluey- grey eyes.
"Hi." the look in his eyes instantly tell me that it's going to happen. Any second now I will become single and heartbroken beyond repair.

"We've got to talk." he says harshly.

"Don't." I cut him off. "I know Draco." I smile sadly whilst he looks at me confused

"y/n... you know it's for the best." he said avoiding eye contact. 

"Did you fuck her?" 

"Who?" he said. He dared look all confused at me. That was like seeing red for me.

"Don't fucking play the dumb little boy act" I spit. He looks at me. Properly looks at me. Right in the eyes. And I notice something there. Something I haven't seen in his eyes before.

"No. but y/n... I've felt like... I lost feelings for you. It's been hard pretending like I haven't so thats why I'm here. I wish you the best." he quickly said, already turning his back on me.

"Look me in the eyes." I say strictly. He slowly turns back around and looks at me. "Look me in the fucking eyes like you have hundreds of times before when you told me you loved me forever. Look me in the eyes and tell me what you just said." I say, chocking back a sob.

"I don't have time for that." he scoffs and walks out as I crumple on the floor screaming and crying. The pain was undescribable. I'd rather get crucioed 100 times in a row than this.

Part one finishedddd 

It was quite bad ngl lmao

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