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Oh my fucking god... 10K READSSSS WOOOOO!!!!!!

Words can not possibly express how happy and grateful I am for so many votes and reads its absoloutly CRAZY. When I first started in November I never imagined this many reads... it still doesn't seem real!! So, thank you to each and every one of you who helped me reach all these reads!!

Now, the sad part (there always has to be a sad part with me lol) I'm sorry for not being online or active but my life is really tricky. I started doing stuff to myself and I got kicked out of my house and things are toxic. But I thank each and every one of you for not giving up on me. I will continue to post but please be patient as my schedule is all over the place. My mental health also. So don't be surprised if one day I post twice and then you won't hear from me for weeks.

Thirdly, this next chapter that I will post will be a smut. That will be my first time writing a smut so if there is anything that is wrong or any mistakes etc then please tell me and I will be happy to listen and learn from then. 


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