Dark Mark- M.R

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Sorry for not posting recently but everything is getting super hectic and crazy and I barely have time to breathe let alone write but I suddenly got this idea and I quickly ran to my laptop before I lose the or before I lose the will to write. Sorry about that and I hope you enjoy xxx

I knew that being Mattheo's girlfriend will never be a walk in the park. And to be honest it never was. We tried to keep our relationship secret to protect both of us but when your father always practices Legililimacy on you, not many secrets will stay secret for long. Poor Mattheo blames himself for not using occumalacy but it wasn't his fault. Sooner or later he would of found out. Since then, I was forced to attend to every single meeting, forced to start doing some of his dirty work. Kill someone here, a curse there. My main task was to try and complete the tasks as good as a I can and keep voldy happy. I guess, I knew that one day, one thing will lead to another and I will get the dark mark like the rest. Fair and square. But each day I hoped. Hoped like mad that maybe I would be fine, I wouldn't have to get the dark mark I can just carry on how I was before. Doing a task here, looking pretty in a meeting there, nothing official. No such luck. Mattheo was worried about me. I was the problem, but Mattheo would assure me that no, he loved me I am never the problem everything will be ok, but sometimes things aren't ok and they won't be ok. So when I got the letter from Voldemort himself, demanding I have the dark mark it didn't come as much of a surprise to both of us. But it wasn't easy. I was beyond terrified. What do I expect? How bad will the pain get? How bad will my mental health get damaged? Will I ever bee the same? Will Mattheo ever be the same? Questions circled like angry bees, no, hornets, in my head, refusing to leave, each buzzing louder and louder, angrier and angrier as I stood behind the massive Oak doors leading to the cursed dining room where all the 'christenings' how Voldy likes to call them took place. Mattheo sqeezed my hand three times, quickly in a row as our secret I love you. I didn't need to look up to know he had tears in his eyes. He has been crying much more when he finally find out I'm getting the mark. He thinks it's his fault. He believes all the shit is because of him no matter how many times that I tell him that it's not. That I knew what I was doing but I didn't care because I loved him so much. 

"Enter!" the voice that I hated with everything exclaimed. I wanted to murder him. pure and simple. I didn't 'follow' him. I loathed him. I, was a traitor and yet he was too dumb and naive to notice that everything was a facade. He was too busy abusing his children and focusing on some random teenage boy. Mattheo walked in first, followed by me. He didn't waste a single second. The moment that I was close enough he muttered a spell and darkness shot out of his wand. Thats the only way how I could call it. A black string. At first I felt nothing and I remember feeling relief, but then the pain started. It was quick and sharp but lasted for god knows how long. I remember screaming in agony, screaming and writhing on the floor. The lasts words I heard were "Take her back to the castle. We shall meet tomorrow, normal time." The noseless freak said nonchonatly as if asking us round for a cup of tea. Quickly, Mattheo obliged and before I knew it, we apparated. Usually I hated apparation. But then, the pain of the mark was so harsh, I didn't have the resources to feel something as weak as that. Mattheo laid me on our bed, sobbing his eyes out. I wish I could comfort him, but I had nothing left in me. My throat felt like it was lined with razor blades. I had no energy to scream but I had nothing else to do. 

"Shh darling, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry. I love you so so so much but why did you pick me Aurora? Why me? I'm dangerous, look what happened because of me. You could've picked someone better. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm a mess. I'm sorry" he sobbed whilst mixing some special potion. I got flashbacks to when he got his dark mark. His screams and cries mingled with mine. Me soothing him not imagining his pain. But now I can. I carried on sobbing whilst he put a cold flannel on the mark stroking my hair. This will change me for the rest of my life. I knew that much. If only Harry would hurry up in killing him...

Spelling went down the pan but I still hoped you enjoyed!! If you want I can do a part 2 but right now I need requests- so if you guys have any please please please just message me! Thanks for the support xxx

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