Cheater? -E.B

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Requested by: xo-gamerz-x0

Enzo's pov:

I was minding my own business, just having a stroll round the school, in hopes to find my girlfriend Aurora (Pretend thats your name- sorry guys it's just easier for me that way sorry x) I was next to Snapes classroom when this boy walks out showing off to his mates. I vaguely recognised the boy but I couldn't remember from where.

"Yeah dude, I'm telling you that Aurora girl was fucking the shit out of me last night. Mhm, whilst her boyfriend was round his mates. Poor boy" he laughed. His words made me stop in my tracks. Aurora? As in my Aurora? Fucking some other guy?! I was shocked and disgusted. I didn't have time to think what I was doing before I storm over to the guy

"Fucking around with my girlfriend are you?" I demand. He turns around to face me and his eyes go wide

"Dude- no, I can- it's not-" he started stuttering

"Yeah I no it's not" I spit in his face and start throwing punch after fucking punch. It was then, when I remembered that he's Aurora's ex boyfriend. She never spoke about him, they dated 2 years ago and she said he's a liar and a toxic cunt. Now look who's toxic. I thought as I carried on beating the living shit out of him. I wasn't like that. I didn't beat people up but this is my relationship we're talking about. I suddenly stopped. What relationship? The girl that I trusted and loved more than my life, betrayed me and cheated on me with her ex. Whilst I was hanging out with the boys. That's just low. I turn around seeing a whole crowd looking on. I didn't even realise. I didn't even hear. 

"Enzo!" the sound of Aurora's voice filled my ears as she ran up to hug me "Are you ok? What happened? Enzo, answer me! Are you hurt?" her desperate questions went through one ear and out the other. How dare she have the audacity to ask me all these caring questions after cheating on me?! She knew how hard it is for me to trust and the second that she earned my trust she went to fuck her ex.

"Fuck off" I said roughly

"Enzo?" she asked, taken aback. She was about to say more but I walked away. "Enzo wait!! What happened?" she asked running after me. Pathetic. I suddenly stopped. 

"Wouldn't you like to know! What, are you worried that I hurt your little friend over there? Is that it?" I growled not being able to see her any longer. Before I turned around she grabbed my arm

"What are you talking about? What friend? Marcus? He's my ex! Why would I give a shit about him!" she asked, desperation laced in her voice. What a damn good actor.

I scoffed "Yeah the ex that you fucked last night" I said my voice finally breaking. My vision went blurry, my tears threatening to spill. Not now Enzo. Not here. Don't show weakness.

"What?!" she screamed "Who said that?!" she shouted enraged. It's starting to piss me off massively. She was caught, why can't she just understand that.

"Your little friend" I spat.

"He's lying! Baby, I swear I would never ever do that! I was with Pansy!! Her and Draco had an argument, so I was with her. Didn't Draco say anything? I thought he was with you yesterday. Enzo, baby listen I would never ever betray your trust like that. Ever. You need to try and trust me. I know it's hard but they're just rumours. I hear cheating rumours of you all the time! But I trust you so thats why I don't care and I don't listen. I know it's hard for you, but you've got to believe me!" she shouted exasperated. The desperation in her eyes made me relax. Maybe she is saying the truth? I felt so stupid. How could I listen to him? why would I doubt Aurora, even for a second after everything she's done for me?

"I'm sorry" I sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking something just took over. I'm sorry for doubting your trust"

"It's ok. I love you" she said to me, smashing her lips onto mine"

I don't know wether this is good or bad but oh well lol. I might be doing a smut soon, but before that I might do some other oneshots. Thanks for all the reads!! xx

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