Chapter 3

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"Your wound heals extremely quickly." Chopper says after he finishes putting everything away and I let out a little laugh.

"It's normal for me. Am I allowed to leave then?" I ask Chopper and he nods.

"Come on let's introduce you to the rest of the crew." Luffy says dragging me away and Chopper follows behind us slowly. "Hey guys time for introductions. Everyone this is my brother Kiri D. Kaz and he'll be travelling with us until Fishman Island. Kaz this is my crew." Luffy goes through and introduces me to each crew member.

"It's nice to meet you and thanks for taking care of Luffy." I give them a small bow and they just say it's no problem. "Hey Luffy I never said anything about travelling with you guys 'til Fishman Island." I send the rubbery brat a glare and he just gives me a huge smile.

"You're staying with us 'til Fishman Island and no objections. You still owe me a favor from when I saved you from that gator all those years ago." Luffy says crossing his arms.

"You idiot it's the other way. I had to save your butt from been gator food but fine I'll humor you this time. Only this one time though and as soon as we hit Fishman Island I'm completely disappearing off the face of the world. You won't be able to find me after that unless I choose to be found or I make contact with you." I say and Luffy just gives me a small nod but his face has a frown on it so I know he isn't too keen on me disappearing.

"Come on I'll give you a tour of the ship and show you to your room." Luffy says dragging me away and I give the others a small wave as they look at me with sympathy in their eyes. I map out the layout of the Thousands Sunny while Luffy keeps dragging me around. "Okay Kaz for lodgings we can either have you sleep in the men's quarters, women's quarters, or there's a guest room. You get to choose where you're going to sleep." Luffy says looking back at me and I start thinking.

"I guess I'll take the guest room but I might not actually sleep in it." I say and Luffy drags me off to the guest room. He gives me a quick tour of it before he drags me back onto the main deck. I somehow manage to sneak away from Luffy and I slip up to the crow's nest. I gently lay down on my back before slipping into sleep.


I was six years old and sat there at the table eating lunch with my mom. When I was just a baby my dad died from an incurable disease so for as long as I can remember it's just been me and mom.

"Listen my little angel remember what I told you yesterday. You can't tell others about our family history or the curse this family holds. Only tell those who you know you can trust with your life and never use this curse for evil. Trust your instincts and remember everything I've taught you. Never forget it and grow to become a strong independent girl. Here this is something you should hold onto; it contains everything I was unable to teach you and more information on this curse. Add to it as you learn and when the time comes pass it onto your daughter who will obtain this curse." My mom hands me a worn out journal which I can tell is really old. "Now finish your meal and pack everything you need. You have 'til supper; that's when they'll show up. You need to get out of here before then. If the marines find you it'll be hell; they'll treat you as a lab rat. Now go; remember I'll always love you and I'll be with you always in here." My mom puts her hand over my heart and kisses my forehead before shooing me away to pack.

I ran up the stairs and quickly finished packing a small backpack. I had placed a couple pairs of cloths, some toques, food and water. I placed the family journal into a waterproof bag and slipped it into the bottom of the bag for safe keeping. I slip the bag over my shoulders and head downstairs to say my goodbye.

"Mom I'm done." I call out to my mom when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Here are some sandwiches to eat on the way and remember to hide your gender. The government has figured out that only girls in this family can obtain this retched curse. If they don't know you're a girl then they can't connect the dots. Now go they're almost here." Mom gives me one last hug and shoos me out the door. I run off towards the nearby woods knowing exactly what to do since mom made sure I knew what to do many times. I reach the tree line and notice the sounds of footsteps so I hide in a nearby bush. A huge group of marines and men in black suits come around the corner meeting mom who now stood in the middle of the path. After some discussion a man pulls out a gun and shots mom right in the forehead.

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