Chapter 55

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"Hey Kaz." Zoro says when he spots me.

"Oh hey Zoro when'd you get here?" I ask and before Zoro can reply Riku cuts in.

"What are you imply that this young woman is the man Kaz?" Riku asks and we nod.

"Yeah this is Kaz." Luffy says and suddenly Zoro's transponder snail rings. Before he can pick it up I do.

"Zoro?" Robin's voice comes across the snail.

"No Kaz." I say.

"Hey give me my snail back." Zoro says but I place a kiss on his cheek and he shuts up after that with a very visible blush.

"Okay where are you two?" Robin asks.

"I'm with Luffy, Law, Riku, and Violet." I say. "We're on King's Plateau. Here you go Zoro." I hand Zoro his snail back before I sit down on the ground. When nobody's looking at me I teleport away and appear on the stone wall a bit away from where Mingo's sitting.

"Be it pirates or marines...if you let me have free rein. I can take care of them all by myself." Pica says and I blink in surprise at how high his voice is. I place my hands in my pockets and realize that I still have the key to Law's cuffs in my pocket; Oops. I teleport the key to Violet's pocket since I know she's still with Law.

"Fufufufu no need to be so hasty. Listen now you could call this game a form of election for the throne of this kingdom. I have asked the people of Dressrosa to choose for themselves... which royal line deserves to rule this land?!! The house of Riku or the house of Donquixote? The people will decide; it is their right." Doflamingo says. "All we need to do is crush those who come to challenge us. The rest of the carnage we can watch at our leisure."

"Sounds like a pain Dofi, I think..." Pica starts and I can't take it. I burst out laughing and everyone turns to look at me.

" is it possible for your voice to be so high? Did you skip puberty or something?" I ask while still laughing.

"You... who are you?" Mingo asks.

"Ouch Mingo I feel forgotten. Not that I would want to be remembered by a pervert like you." I say and I see Mingo's eyebrow twitch.

"You..." Mingo says before sending his strings after me but I easily stop them before they hit me.

"Now now if you wanted to get violent then you should've just told me that from the start." I say with a huge grin on my face. I rush forward and land a punch to Mingo's face stopping any attacks he sent my way. I just gotta keep him occupied 'til Luffy gets here so Mingo doesn't go after anyone else. I side step an attack from Pica before smashing my fist into the ground and sending a crack towards Pica who ends up falling to the floor below.

"I'm dealing with Mingo here not you Pica." I say and I glare at the rest of the people standing on the same plateau. "If any of you interfere again I won't hesitate to rip you limb from limb." I say and Mingo suddenly snaps his fingers.

"I know who you are now. You're that god blasted Grim Reaper;" Mingo says glaring at me and I just shrug.

"Someone give the man a cookie for the correct guess." I say and Mingo looks about ready to snap in anger. "Pissing you off is a lot more fun than I thought it'd be." I say side stepping his strings.

"You bitch... what are you even doing here in the first place?" Mingo asks and I shrug.

"A couple of my friends were in town so I decided to pay them a visit." I say blocking more of Mingo's strings. The ground underneath my feet starts shaking and I look down before Pica causes the ground underneath me to jerk up sending me flying. I let out an annoyed growl before crashing into the stone walkway.

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