Chapter 11

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"Ow what the fuck?" I shout out as a piece of rock hit my head. I spot Absalom talking to a zombie about another zombie called Oars.

"Nami my love I've come to rescue you." I hear Sanji yell and I immediately sweat drop. I look down and notice that I'm wearing a fucking wedding dress that is really fucking itchy. This is bad, really bad. I elbow the zombie who was holding me up and Sanji rushes forward to get Nami out of the clutches of another zombie. While the others were distracted I crack my neck and rip part of my dress allowing me more movement. I watch as Absalom and Sanji go on and on about how beautiful Nami was.

"Are you two idiots done?" I ask and they turned to look at me.

"It's Aphrodite." They scream together and I face palm.

"You two are complete perverted idiots." I say and I rush forward. I smash Absalom in the face with my fist and he goes flying into the wall behind him. "That's for drugging me you god damn bastard and for putting me in this fucking wedding dress that itches like hell." I say cracking my knuckles. "I'm good now. I'll watch her while you take care of this bastard." I gently take Nami out of Sanji's hands before he can object and place her in one of the pews before sitting down beside her. "I'll sit here since I can tell you don't trust me."

"Just stay right there you beautiful goddess and I'll protect you and Nami." Sanji says with his eye turning into a heart.

"Just get going idiot or else I'll be the one beating the crap out of him." I say and Sanji turns back to Absalom who just stood up. I close my eyes and listen to them fighting. When they stop to talk about the Suke-Suke Fruit and I feel tick marks appear on my forehead.

"The Suke-Suke Fruit isn't something you should use for peeking you god damn perverts." I yell while chucking a piece of rock at each of them.

"Ow what was that for?" They yell and I feel more tick marks on my forehead.

"You're the most perverted people ever. If you'll excuse me I'm going to take Nami to the Sunny." I say before tossing Nami over my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Absalom says before disappearing and I can sense him coming at me. I spin around and kick Absalom in the stomach which sends him flying back into the wall again.

"Aphrodite you can just stay there. I'll protect you no matter what." Sanji says and I sit set Nami down again.

"Aphrodite? Whatever; I'll leave Nami here for you and if you'll excuse me I'll be going now." I say and I walk out the door before anyone can say anything. I slip into a small closet and I use my curse to change into my regular clothes. I summon a toque and slip it on my head before using my curse to jump to the tower where Zoro, Franky, Brook, and the zombie with Brook's shadow are. Wait I can sense Zoro; guess that means my senses are getting back to normal finally. I start humming as I walk towards Brook and the others. I start climbing a set of stairs and the sound of swords clashing can be heard. Looks like Zoro and the zombie are fighting since Brook isn't moving. There's also no sound of gunshots so that means Franky isn't using his weapons.

"I sense something coming." I hear Brook say since I'm a couple of steps from the door which seems to have been cut in two.

"I'll take care of it if it's an enemy." I hear Franky prepare his weapons and I let out a sigh. That idiot will probably shoot me if I just walk up there without announcing myself.

"Don't shoot Franky it's a friendly." I call out before peeking around the corner of the doorway and I see Franky still has his weapons ready. "Hey I said friendly didn't I?" I glare at him and he just stares at me in surprise when I walk in.

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